"No Conrad, please get up it isn't necessary" Yuri pleaded sadly.

"But Yuri...".

"Really, it's ok. Yozak helped us, wearing the most obvious drag get up ever" Yuri exclaimed jokingly.

Conrart seemed to insist so I leant down to him and rested my hand on his shoulder, "Conrart".

He looked over to me, "it really is alright".

I smiled down at him causing Conrart to look up at me in almost wonder, I ended up smiling more then straightened up and looked at Yuri.

"Now Yuri, there was something you wanted to say, right?".

"Oh that's right. We're at war!" Yuri exclaimed angrily.

Conrart and Wolfram immediately insisted that they handle the situation and take Yuri back to Covenant Castle, but Yuri being Yuri was adamant that he need to stop this up and coming war.
I could tell Conrart was beginning to soften  up to Yuri's demands, I have to admit he sounded almost like Julia.

I see why your soul was chosen Julia...

Conrart finally agreed with Yuri on the condition that if things don't go Yuri's way that Yuri would have to come with him and out of the way from the destruction.
So after Yuri and I changed out of our disguises we set off back towards Stoffel.
But when we arrived the situation immediately went down hill and both sides insisted that they handle the situation and push Yuri's words aside.

"Please stop this..." Yuri pleaded as everyone of his men and all of Stoffel's army ignore his words.

But everyone refused to listen and Yuri got more and more upset as both sides began to charge at one another, until he revealed his power and all of Stoffel's men were blown away as if they were rag dolls.

"I am your King and yet you refuse to obey me and my law!" Yuri yelled as he told off all that was present, "The only one I can seem to depend on is my own sister, I hope in the future you follow her example".

Everyone lowered their heads and I couldn't help but feel doubt to when he mentioned me as 'his sister', Ulrike appeared in my mind but then I brushed it aside as Yuri continued to talk.

"As for you Stoffel, you will be on house arrest in your own land. I here by declare this case closed".

And once again, Yuri fainted into Conrart's arms. I sighed then smiled as Yuri's final orders were carried out and Stoffel was escorted with his companion back to his home.

I looked around at all the guys, they looked so guilty and disappointed in themselves.
I rode over to Wolfram and started stroked his hair, he looked up at me.

"Don't worry so much Wolfram, things will be different than before I promise" I said happily, "What's the point of dragging him to this world if you're not going to listen to him?".

Wolfram looked at me sadly then nodded, "you're right Rina".

Gwendal looked annoyed as usual and I scowled at him as I look at all the rest of the guys, "I hope the rest of you have learnt your lesson as well. This isn't twenty years ago, Yuri is here to bring upon a new age of peace. If you trust in his rule, you will listen".

The three out of the four men looked at me in surprise at my knowledge of that time, Conrart looked at me as if thinking on my words and nodded followed by the others.

I turned my serious expression to a smile, "good, now come on. Let's go back, Yuri needs his rest".

Suddenly Günter was surrounded by the last of Stoffel's men, I gasped as Günter finished them off with on a few slices of the back of his sword rendering them on conscious.

Are all the handsome men in this place so skilled with a sword, Julia?

It seems to be the case...


A few days passed and Yuri was back to full strength again and to be able to return home. I admit I couldn't help but feel restless the more we were talking with Ulrike again.
The last time we met, she said she had met me before but she never elaborated or rather I couldn't seem to face what the truth could possibly turn out to be.
Ulrike revealed a note that a girl from Covenant Castle had brought as we all began to read the note. I practically screamed, "CELI!".

The previous heir to the throne had snuck out the gem for her own personal gain!

"All that extra stress for nothing, if it's not one Spitzveg it's the other one!" I growled angrily.

"Oh well, at least loose ends have been tied up" Yuri replied casually.

"Oh how wonderful Your Majesty, I am overjoyed to see how deeply passionate you are for world peace. I will whole heartedly serve his majesty" Ulrike exclaimed happily as she held Yuri's hands.

Yuri looked flattered while Wolfram looked super annoyed, I giggled.

It is time for you to go now...

I gasped and just at that moment, Wolfram pushed Yuri and he was about to fall into a fountain. I pushed past Wolfram and ran after Yuri all while feeling the almost intense gaze of the Shrine Maiden.
We returned to Japan, a shiver still ran up my spine or maybe it was the cold water, who knows?
Murada was judging us so I ended up splashing him with a big dose of pond water.
I sighed as I got out of the water, relieved to be home but-

I'm starting to learn that Ulrike is apart of the reason as to why I go to the demon kingdom...

Julia said nothing.


She didn't utter a word, it was as if she was forbidden to give me any answers for either herself or someone else's gain.

The Lily and The Sword (Conrart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now