The Choosing

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I walk into the giant room and find a seat with the other Amity

Now, you may be wondering where I slept..

Turns out I had no choice but to make friends.. I stayed in an Amity house.. Not really surprised that they let me stay the night. I mean, it's Amity..

And they gave me new clothes.. A yellow flower patterned blouse with orange baggy pants and the red TOMS that I was already wearing.. I begged for the pants..

The Erudite woman does her speech

Don't judge me, I forgot her name.. Usually when I don't like a person I forget their names because it usually doesn't matter

Like for instance, Four's dad, can't remember his name and I'm not going to even try to as he calls names.

I hear Tris' name and smile

Oh good, Four won't be lonely this year

"Amanda Knowles," I hear my name and walk towards the bowls

I grab the blade and nick myself enough to draw blood and put the blade down

Maybe I should go into Candor.. Naw, then I would have to tell my secrets..

Erudite?.. Naw, I'm not that clever.

Abn- Naw, I'm not that selfless

And Lord know that I do not have the patience for Amity

So I put my hand over the coals and see my blood drip and hear a sizzle

"Dauntless..," Four's dad says as I hear people gasp and start whispering

I smirk and walk over to Dauntless as I rap my hand into the napkin I grabbed

They all patted my back and led me to a seat

-- -- -- -- -- -

Every single dauntless and transfer started running towards the stairs

Oh right, the running.. How could I forget?

I run with them and end up outside in front of the train tracks

And the climbing?! God, I am such an amateur fan-girl, Why am I forgetting so much?

I climb the pole train thingy and put myself up and start running with the other energetic folk as the train headed our way

I make it onto the last car and lie onto the floor

"Good, God, I am out of shape..," I groan and I hear a laugh

I turn my head to see Tris and Christina

"Amanda.." I hold my hand out towards them both and they shake it and introduce themselves

-- -- - -- - --

"They're jumping..," I hear Tris say and I immediately get up and get ready to jump off after an erudite.. I almost didn't make it

I get up and dust the tiny rocks off of me and groaned in pain almost yelling out 'WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS?!'

Good thing I didn't..

"Alright, Listen up.. I'm Eric, I'm one of your leaders..," I smile heading towards the crowd in front of The Eric


Don't you judge me.. Jai Courtney gets to your head after you watch Divergent 3 or 4 times, okay, so I didn't have a choice..

"I mean someone's gotta go first, whose it gonna be?."

I wait for Tris..

"Me.," There you are Tris..

She walks up to the edge and that smart ass Candor makes his comment that makes me want to punch him in the throat and then she jumps

"Whose next?," Eric asks after a minute

"I am..," I say and walk up to the edge already knowing whats at the bottom

"An Amity.. You sure you aren't too scared?..," The Candor jackass asks

I turn around ready to fall backwards, "Not as scared as you are, sweetie"

I fall back and the wind takes me

This is a pretty ballsy move for me since I'm sorta afraid of heights.... When I say 'sorta', I don't mean that I'm afraid of the length of the height or tall buildings.. I'm just scared of becoming a pancake stuck to the pavement.

My back slams into a net and bounces me once more

I roll of the net and into the one and only arms of Tobias Eaton

"An Amity?..Today is just full of surprises..," he says as he puts me onto the ground, "What's your name?"

"Call me Manda.."

I would say Mandi.. but for some reason the name just doesn't fit me here.. So, I just went with my third nickname.. The First two are Mandi and Panda... and Panda is way to soft here

"Okay, Manda.. Wait over there.."

After everyone jumped all of the transfers follow Four and he shows us around and I make sure to memorize where everything is because I already know that I'll get lost if I don't.

I get dressed into the Dauntless clothing and hear a few whistles..

Wouldn't change my appearance, my ass

I'm pretty sure, I used to have shorter hair and smaller boobs.. And I definitely would have noticed the thigh gap..

At least, I don't have to worry about trying to keep it seeing as this body is permanent.. Which means that it won't change... I mean I can add things to it like tattoos and piercing but not pounds or new mounds of hair onto my head.. So no shaving my head..

We are lead to this fire and we put our old faction clothes into the fire and head toward the lunch hall and in front of Tris and next to Will

I laugh at the conversation that they start

"I don't wanna hear about your old factions..," Four says taking a sip of his unknown substance that is most likely just water, "You're Dauntless now.."

Tris starts talking and smirk already knowing where this is headed..

I silently snicker as Four becomes speechless..


As the leader ends his speech we hear rooting and soon enough I'm lifted off my feet and crowd surfing

I've always wanted to do this..

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