The beginning

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Momo POV

"Are you ok ? You look upset" a cheery but slightly concerned voice jolts me out of my thoughts
Quickly I turned to see a girl who was pink with antlers , her eyes black with yellow
"Umm yea haha deep in thought" I say scratching the back of my head almost definitely blushing
"You sure?"she asks not convinced
"Yeah"I responded, feigning happiness to convince her however based on her raised eyebrow I guess it doesn't work as well as I'd have hoped
"Ohh ok well Anyway I'm Mina ashido nice to meet ya"she says shooting her arm towards me for handshake, taking a few seconds to answer after silently staring at me
"I'm momo yaoyarozu nice to meet you too" accepting her handshake I call back to her happily
(In momo's head) "wow this girl is bubbly she cheered me up instantly"

"Well I gotta go but I hope to talk to you again here's my phone number " Mina says shoving a piece of paper into my hand as she runs off waving
A smile creeps across momo's face as she looks down at the paper
"I made my first friend in U.A"
The smile faded as she remembered Mina might not have made it into U.A.
Then my phone lights up as mother phones me
*scene fade to black*

3rd person POV
Down a dark alleyway two men are seen trying to beat up a mysterious figure but fail
One manages to pull a knife unexpectedly and slash at the person's face lightly cutting his left jawline
The person simply grimaces then smiles and throws a punch
*Scene fades to black*
Authors note
Please bear in mind these are just intro chapters to establish the characters,the chapters will get better I promise

The Creator and her Shadow. Momo Yaoyorozu x male reader Where stories live. Discover now