bonus chapter: three

Start from the beginning

"What's your point, Nick? You're just here to destroy my marriage?"

"Of course, love. If I can't have you, no one can. I may be letting you have your little fun with pretty boy but I'm determined to have you to myself."

I scoffed, feeling my blood boil.

"Do you hear yourself? And you think this is okay, this is normal? No. You're a lunatic and you need help."

"All I need... is you."

"You'll never get me, especially by hurting innocent people."

Something in my mind told me to stop talking. Something didn't feel right..

"You know... ah, I'm done." He stopped himself then laughed.

I looked at him, confused.

"You're done? What?"

He did a spin, disappearing from his place and appearing behind me.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, quickly turning around.

"None of this is real, Sage!" He laughed.

"Pretty boy wasn't shot again, I didn't drug anyone... All of this is in your head; you made it up."

There was no way. I mean, how... why..?

"However, there is a reason you're laying in a hospital bed. All you have to do is wake up." He said, gesturing toward the door.

I slowly walked toward it, twisting the knob. I ignored him call my name, quickly walking out.

There was a bright flash before my eyes popped open. They landed on the ceiling as my ears processed the beeping machine.

I weakly turned my head, seeing Jackson asleep in the uncomfortable chair with a sleeping Sky on his lap.

I grabbed the empty juice box, throwing it at his shoulder. He opened his eyes, instantly looking in my direction.

"Hi." He whispered.

Sky moved, snuggling closer to him as he sat up.

"How you feeling?"

"Everything hurts.." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, babe... Someone tried to kidnap you." He blurted out.

Her eyes widened, hoping she hadn't heard right.

"I got... what?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"That's what we need to find out. There were no cameras or witnesses, only you can tell us what happened. You don't have to do it at this moment, just, please.. rest."

I stared into his eyes, taking in the pain, sadness and worry.


He stared at me, not uttering a word until Owen came in. Owen lightly smiled, nodding his head at Jackson.

"We took some tests.." Owen said.

"Looks like they tried to render you unconscious with chloroform. When that didn't work, I'm guessing it resulted in combat—judging by the bruising on your upper torso."

I looked to Jackson who held his anger in as he listened.

"They'll take you for a CT and some other tests then we'll go from there."

"Thanks, Hunt." He said.

I sat still, trying to comprehend my brain for minutes, still unsure of what happened.

I created a short alternate reality from something traumatic which was a result from inhaling chloroform.. Still don't understand the why..

Carlos rushed into the room, stopping when he saw me awake. He wore a frantic look, stumbling over his words.

"Jack, let me talk you real quick."

"What's up?"

Carlos shook his head.

"Hallway, please.."

Sky climbed on the bed once he let her down. She cuddled next to me while the guys left the room.

Not long after... nothing.

It was like he left and, just, didn't decide to tell me.

The day went on with still no word from him. My brain calculating where he could be instead of listening to Amelia.

"Hey, you with me, honey?"

I flinched, taken off guard by the bright flashlight. She apologized, further examining my head then opening my chart.

"So, you are almost physically okay.. other than the sprained wrist and bruises."

I nodded, barely listening to her words.

"Has anyone talked to Jackson?" I asked.

She looked at me, closing the chart.

"Uh, not sure. Last I seen him, he was running out of here with Carlos."


She nodded, walking out.

Great. Not only was I stuck to this hospital bed, my husband and older children weren't answering.

I hated being clueless with a passion, yet here I am..

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery Where stories live. Discover now