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Miranda walked around the hospital, for the first time, with a head bowed down.

She kept herself small, trying to move as quietly and unnoticeable as possible.

After her encounter with Ben at the OR, her heart pounded in her chest with excitement, something she hadn't felt in a long time. She was really looking forward to dinner with him.

That is, if she can hide from Richard long enough.

Miranda had heard that the man was looking for her, wanting her to take over his surgery later on in the night. And sure, on a normal evening, she would take it, but her dinner with Ben... she didn't want to miss it. The way he made her feel, it was one for the books.

As she moved towards the Attendings lounge, she bumped into someone. She winced.

"Miranda?" Her heart fluttered at the deep voice.

She looked up, barely hiding a smile. "Hello, Benjamin Warren."

Ben grinned. "We've got to stop meeting like this."

Miranda laughed as she entered the lounge. It was empty. "Yeah, you've got to stop bumping into me. It's not giving you any points."

He followed her inside. "So?"

"So what?"

"Dinner." Ben glanced at the clock, it was nearing 8. "Are you still up for it?"

She moved around, gathering her things. She didn't respond just yet.

He took her silence negatively. "Miranda, if I overstepped—

"Can't you see I'm getting ready, Dr. Warren?" She looked up at him, a playful look in her eyes. "I just need to go home to change, and you can pick me up."

His eyes lit up. "You look fine already, Miranda. Just... come on." He gestured to the door.

Miranda frowned. She looked down at her clothes. She'd changed a little while ago, and now, she had on her favorite blouse, and sure, it outlined her body well, but it was not as good for a first date, especially with one Ben Warren. "I... I don't look as well as I want to."

Ben chuckled, and scanned her body with an intense gaze. She blushed. "I say you look gorgeous. Now, let's go."

She sighed and walked towards him. "Fine, but where are we going, exactly?"

"We're going to my apartment," he said as they walked on the hallway.

Miranda blinked. "Oh." Were they ready for that? Did he think he was going to sleep with him this early? Just because he pulled off that stunt in the OR does not mean her legs will spread open for him just like that.

Ben sensed her overwhelming thoughts, and laid a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Does that make you uncomfortable? I mean, I was forward earlier but I don't mean anything by—

"Bailey!" Richard's voice echoed through the hall. His footsteps weren't loud, but she could hear him heading towards them.

She closed her eyes and willed herself to disappear. She glanced up at Ben, who looked confused.

In a flash, she made a decision. She grabbed Ben's face and kissed him. His arms went around her body, and he pulled her closer to him. Miranda's arms circled his neck, and she moaned softly against his lips.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry. I-I..." They pulled away just as Richard stopped to gape at them. "Mandy."

She smiled up at Ben, who looked like he wanted to push her against the wall and take her clothes off right then and there. And after that mind-blowing kiss, she certainly wouldn't complain.

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