"well shes staying...because I want her to stay Gene" Ava steps from behind Paul and stands in front of Gene, who looks down at her menacingly.

"and to be honest....I'm here only to help you out...I mean unless you wanna get killed..."

"What?! Paul what is she babbling about..." Paul sits down next to Peter, whose stopped gorging on food to listen, and Ace whose mouth is gaping wide open.

"well shes right there...ask her, because shes already explained the situation to me" Gene looks back down at Ava who is nonchalantly examining the rings on her finger.

"yeah my cousin Cody is after you guys, he was the one who attack Peter last night...who is only alive right now because he was sending a message to me and to the you guys...that he means business"

"why would he attack Peter, we've never had any problems with anyone before you came along..."

"that's the point I got involved with Paul and now hes out for any of your guys's blood because he knows I wont back down from him if he threatens anyone that I know....so I have to protect the band...including you Gene, which isn't something I feel like doing because of your stupid hatred of me"

Gene just shook his head at Ava's explanation, not believing her for one second. "alright if you don't believe me....Peter....your attacker last night...did you get a look at him?"

"yeah after he knocked out my guard and started advancing on me..." "ok well was he around 6 feet tall, with a goatee, and a buzz cut...something like this..." as Ava grabbed the hotel stationary that was on the nightstand and began drawing a quick sketch of what her cousin looked like.

When she was finished she handed it to Peter, whose eyes widened at the picture before him. "that's...that's the guy..." Ava turned around and gave Gene a I told you so look. Gene walked over to Peter and snatched the drawing out of Peter's hand and looked at it.

"so...this guy hes after us because of you...and why cant we just leave you here for him exactly.." Ava closed her eyes clearly irritated with having to explain the situation yet again to this man. "because....if you leave me here...he is still going to hunt you down just because he can...he has no remorse..so your better off having me with you to protect you..." Gene narrowed his eyes at her and looked her up and down

"how are you going to protect us...your just a---"

"woman...so..." Ava said clearly offended. "plus I have my ways..." Ava said while smiling at Paul who smiled in return. Gene saw this exchange and said "what the hell did that just mean..." Paul laughed "that I know exactly what shes capable of..she can protect us trust me..."

Gene lowered his head at this and sighed and said "alright so if you can protect us...from your cousin...how are you going to be able to keep an eye on us..."

Ava smirked at this and responded "well its simple really...I join the band....so ill be able to keep an eye on you guys while you perform because with having such a huge crowd he could try anything and you wouldn't have any protection..."

Gene's eyes widened as he responded "NO there has to be another way...you aren't...you cant just---"

"hey Gene....maybe you should give her a chance...she might be able to pull it off" Ace said with a genuine smile on his face.

"yeah I mean she saved me...so why don't we let her give it a try..." Peter added. Gene looked over at Paul who was just smiling "so do you have anything to add?"

"no....but im confident that shes gonna blow you away for sure..." Gene rolled his eyes and looked back down at Ava

"alright...but you have to try out first to see if you can even perform with us....tonight...and if you cant keep up with us...then your going to be sitting backstage at EVERY concert" Ava smiled as she put out her hand for Gene to shake and said "deal.." as they shook hands, and he angrily left the hotel room.

"well it looks like I have to get a song prepared..." Ava said.

"or you could perform one of ours...it would be easier..." Paul suggested. "yeah how about Black Diamond?" Peter added with a big smile on his face. "but isn't that a song that you sing...I mean—"

"its no big deal the lyrics are easy to pick up..."

"yeah and I can teach you some of the chords to play on guitar..." Ace said. "aww you guys are awesome...thank you..." Ava said. "like I told Gene, your going to blow him away with how well you do tonight" Paul said as he pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head. "ok well I guess I have to start practicing..."

With that Peter hopped out of bed and grabbed Ava from Paul's grasp and started walking out the hotel room quickly saying "alright lets go rock n roll...." Leaving Paul and Ace following close behind laughing.

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