Chapter 4

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It's been maybe a few weeks. Peter and I started to talk more, so I guess we're friends now. Being friends with Peter means I'm friends with Harry too. Which I guess is fun. I mean, I'm tired of being alone. I want someone I can rely on for once. So here I was on graduation day, and I finally felt free. As I stood with my fellow classmates, a part of me hoped to see my family in the crowd. Of course, no one came. I looked over to Peter, who had recently lost his Uncle, so his face showed he was looking for someone who would never come. I walked over to Peter.

"Hey, Pete." I smiled.

"Hey, Nova. Crazy day, huh?"

"Yeah." I trailed off thought engulfing my words.

"So, where's your family?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, uh. They couldn't make it." I lied, "Why'd you ask?"

"You had that look in your eyes, the look that means you're looking for someone who will never come."

"Yeah." My voice was soft, he somehow decoded me in seconds. Then again he knew my at home situation wasn't the best. I used to come to school without lunch, and I wouldn't have the money for school lunch. He would always share his lunch with me, then I finally was able to start affording my own lunch. He knew my parents barely noticed my existence, and yet he didn't judge me for it.

"You deserve better than them if they skipped your graduation, one of the most important days of your life. Then they don't care about you, so neither should you."

I looked down and smiled, knowing he was right.


"Any time."

"So, where are you going now?" I asked, changing the subject.

"The city, in hopes of finding a job to do with photography. What about you?"

"You're gonna think it's silly."

"Promise, I won't." He smiled at me and made me feel as though I could tell him anything.

"I want to go to the city, too. Find a tactical training center, and become a bodyguard."

"That's perfect."

I sent him a questioning look.

"You were great in gym class. Whatever team you were on always won because of you."

"You think?"

"I know." His smile was genuine, he wasn't just being nice, he meant it.

Harry caught Peter's attention, and gestured for him to come over.

"I guess this is goodbye for now." Peter smiled.

"Goodbye, Pete. And good luck." He started to walk away. "Don't be a stranger."

He turned and laughed, "Never."


It's been almost a year now. I moved to the city and got an apartment for pretty cheap. I just finished my first year of tactical training. I thought training was going to be a lot longer. Possibly 5, 6 years, but I learned otherwise. One more year and I can be a full blown bodyguard. Since I got a perfect grade all year, the teacher signed off on me being allowed to work with a superior. Basically, I have to be babysat while at work. Which is perfectly okay with me. I get to be out there, I get to learn from mistakes, and soon I'll be able to trust myself with my powers. I haven't done anything like I did with the fire. I try to practice with my powers and get a better grasp of them, but I've been so caught up with training at the gym and at the center, I'm barely able to. Recently there have been reports of a man who goes by Spiderman. He seems to have the abilities of a spider. I can't help but wonder if he got his powers the same way I got mine. With powers like his or mine, we could easily become threats. So far though, he doesn't seem like a threat. He's just what New York needs. A friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

I threw myself into training. I didn't have anything better to do. Every so often I would hang out with Peter, but training was my top priority. Class ended about 5 hours ago. Many people stay after to practice, but they only stay for maybe an hour or two. The trainer, however, stayed the whole time. Not because she watched me but she would have classes after mine. I would just stay in the back and train. I grew close with her. I would consider her a friend. I would train until my legs hurt and my hands throbbed, and even after that I'd push myself further. I was focusing on my arms today. I had my hands wrapped and was punching a punching bag. Sweat dripped down my forehead.

"You've been at it for seven hours. You should go home, Nova." My trainer said, walking up to me.

I focused my attention on her.

"I'll go home in an hour, Callie." I answered, getting back in stance.

"That wasn't a suggestion, you've spent almost every night in this gym since the day you started. Go home, go get some food. You of all people deserve it." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, but at least let me help you close up."

"Fine, but you're going home afterwards."

I smiled at my success, and nodded at her. I helped her close up the gym, and then packed up my bag. Not wanting to make her stay any longer, I didn't change out of my gym clothes. My wrists were aching, so I kept them wrapped. I threw my bag on my shoulder and headed for the door.

"See ya tomorrow, Callie." I called.

"See you tomorrow, Nova." She smiled back.

I walked the streets, heading to a local diner. I heard a voice call my name.

"Hey, Nova." I glanced around and didn't see a familiar face until someone came closer. "It's me, Peter."

"Hi, Pete. What are you doing around here?"

"I'm begging for a job. How about you?"

"Just got done with training."

"How's that going?"

"Great, actually. I've reached a point in my training that I'm allowed to start working under supervision." I smiled.

"I told you could you do it."

My smile widened. He was the first person to truly believe in me, to truly care. I'm so glad I let him into my life.

"Would you like to go grab a bite to eat?" I asked.

"I'd love to, but I actually have a job interview, another time though." He said.

"Good luck, Pete. See you soon."

"I'm holding you to that dinner, though." Peter joked.

I laughed and waved goodbye, he did the same. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. What do you guys think so far? Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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