Young and Beautiful

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"Y'know what, this reminds me of this government house Loui took me too back in Louisiana it was full of....of...." DC whispered, feeling tears spring to his eyes again. Ontario acted quickly, rushing over and taking DC's hand.

"C'mon, let me show you around." Ontario suggested, not waiting for an answer and dragging the fed away before he could cry.

"Y'see I like everything modern." Ontario announced proudly, walking through large oak doors with a flourish. "I don't like old tech, only the best would do."

"Do you really have Apple and Microsoft on speed dial?" DC asked trying to catch up to the Canadian province.

"Don't you? As the federal government we should have these privileges." Ontario said winking at DC. The two walked through another set of wide doors until they entered an equally large room with two stories, with wall to wall closets filled with clothes put neatly inside.

"This is your closet?" DC asked.

"Well one of three." Ontario announced.

"ONE OF THREE?" DC yelled.

"Of course, what else would you put in this space?" Ontario said with a laugh. He walked over to one of the many closets and began ruffling through the clothes, as DC took a seat on one of the cushions in the middle of the room.

"Y'know, if you cleared out one, this would make an amazing library." DC whispered.

"A library-"

"Yeah! Wall to wall books, just....and so much space for them! There'd be a little reading nook right there and you could buy more and never run out of space." DC announced. He paused when he heard laughter, and Ontario practically on the floor.

"You want to build a library? There's just one down the street, just borrow a book from there." Ontario said snickering.

"Well...I mean...I guess it is kind of stupid." DC muttered playing with his fingers.

"What are you doing?"

"Making use of this space!"

"So you're destroying one of our guest rooms and putting in....shelving?"

"It's a library sugar, I'm building you one, just like you always wanted."

"But look at this SHIRT!" Ontario announced with a flourish pulling out one of the shirts from the closet.

"That looks like it must've cost millions." DC whispered.

"And it DOES! I do all my shopping on the federal government's dime, it makes it so much easier to keep up." Ontario said with a laugh.

"Y-You shouldn't though." DC whispered. "That should go to taxes, schools, everything else."

"Oh please, do you think the federal government should look frumpy?" Ontario laughed tossing a dress shirt and pants at DC. "Try 'em on, they should be just your size."

"N-No I'm good." DC muttered kindly handing the clothes back to Ontario. "IDC found me this shop where I can get my clothes from, it's really nice and--"

"Well c'mon, let's go to the kitchens then. I'm sure you can't wait to see what I have down there." Ontario announced dropping the clothes and dragging DC away again.

"So what do you think?" Ontario asked later that day outside in the backyard. DC kept his eyes firmly planted on the gardens, being tended by more workers, and the large glittering pool in the center of it all.

"It's amazing. I can't imagine having this much space." DC whispered.

"You should get one of your own then." Ontario suggested.


"C'mon Dee we both know you hate the Statehouse." Ontario said with a shrug.

"It's DC. And I don't hate the Statehouse." DC pointed out.

"Please. All you used to do is complain about it 'ugh the water pressure is down again' or 'Vermont used up all the hot water'. Imagine living like this, without all those worries." Ontario explained.

"I would....if I could have the states with me." DC announced.

"Pfft why? You think I want my Canadian provinces with me?" Ontario said with a laugh.

"No but, they'd love it here." DC said wistfully. "Florida would spend so much time at the pool, California would be able to hold important meetings about social justice, Texas would build a ranch out on the open field, New York would like new places to hide away, and Louisiana, god he'd love that kitchen."



"DC. They don't understand it like we do, they don't understand that this is a privilege we earned." Ontario pointed out.

"Yes they would. They'd love it." DC argued.

"Please. I give it one day before that Florida destroys it." Ontario snorted. "Just like the Statehouse."

"Listen the Statehouse may be old and dingy and need a make-over, but it''s special." DC explained. "I....we had our first meeting there. I kissed Florida for the first time on the front steps, I made love to Texas for the first time there. I know where New York likes to keep his stim toys so I can take 'em, I can still smell Louisiana cooking dinner on his nights to cook, and can see the book wall California has in his room. I love the Statehouse."

"But does that compare to what you really deserve? A mansion?" Ontario asked.

"I don't care about that. I want to help people and give people the respect they deserve. Even if I wasn't born to be the government, I'd still go into it just to help." DC explained.

"So you'd rather have a dingy old house instead of riches?" Ontario asked.

"I'd rather have a house full of memories then this empty shell." DC hissed.


"HOLY SHIT JUST CALL ME DC." DC screamed, shocking the province. He straightened himself up and walked right past Ontario.

"I'm going back...."


"No. Thank you so much for showing me your house but, I need to go back to work." DC announced before walking off. Ontario turned back to look out at his vast yard, then threw down his jacket. What was it going to take to get rid of the main five?

On a quiet night in Orlando, IDC and Gov entered the Statehouse, which had been quiet and dark ever since the main five disappeared.

"You sure he's still here?" Gov asked Delaware who greeted them.

"Yep. Connecticut made him stay in his and Colorad's room." Delaware announced. The two governments walked around the state and towards the bedroom, opening the door slowly. The man sitting on the bed, was in short, unhinged. His tank was dirty, his hat was all ripped, and he was rocking back and forth.

"Do we have to?" Gov whispered, yelping as IDC hit his arm. IDC walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to keep a smile on her face.

"Florida. It's good to see you again." 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angstحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن