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Author: comfortablesilences



He suddenly pushed her away, 'get off me Mudblood filth!' he panted as he stared at her. 'As if I would ever lower myself to you' his fingers gripping tightly to the shelf behind him, 'I'm a Malfoy!'
The words might have hurt her if his tongue hadn't just been fighting against hers desperately and if he had managed to get his breathing under control.
She reached past him lifting her bottle and strode confidently towards the door.
'Tell that to your cock Malfoy.'
They both knew she had felt his hardness against her body. She opened the door and left him there, panting and conflicted. Pale hair dishevelled. She loved that she had done that to him.

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have competed against each other since their first year at Hogwarts. She is determined to prove to him that blood purity has nothing to do with academic success, and he just as eager to prove the views he inherited right. It isn't until Hermione starts to enjoy his mean nature and their feud a little too much that it turns...truly personal. They embark on a journey of cat and mouse games, each desperately trying to outdo the other. But can they keep this new rivalry a secret? Do they want to?

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