Authors Note

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Hello! This is my first time writing and publishing a book and I hope it's a good one! But as time progresses I'm crossing my fingers to get as many reads as I can!

WARNING: This book might come off as cliche but I am telling you now, so listen and listen well - IT IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE JOE TYPE OF BOOK TRUST ME YOU WILL BE SURPRISED.

So comment about any thoughts you have on this, vote and read on!

I know I will have some grammar errors and I will go back over it when I can but hey, no ones perfect right? So you will probably see chapters I haven't proof read... and be nice okay? It's my first time writing and some chapters will be a little...sketchy I guess?

Anyways, this book will have really romantic, cheesy, corny moments. But also sad, funny moments. and hopefully you guys will love it as much as u already do!

THE CHARACTER LIST WILL BE POSTED SOON but tell me who you think should be each character!

You probably skipped over this but I just wanted to share stuff with you..

This book is not to be copied at all! Failure to do so will cause trouble with the law and I openly suggest informing me if someone does steal any of my words at all! Thank you!
OK bye.

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