Back to the Past?

Start from the beginning

"Kota, I know where we are!" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she shook Kota's arm excitedly. He raised an eyebrow at her shift of behavior, letting her speak her mind. 

"We're back to when my parents were in U.A! See!" She grinned, pointing towards the raven-haired boy, then to the blond. Kota shifted his eyes towards them, then he noticed it too. 

Shouta, Hizashi, and Nemuri. 

"Oh, you're right!" He said his eyes widening.  The 3 students gave confused looks at the two, Shouta and Hizashi being confused with the word "parents" coming out of the girl's mouth. 

"Uh, explain?" The girl, now known as Nemuri, spoke up, trying to catch on to what they were saying. 

"Oh,uh..Well basically, we're from the future. Before you question it! It's because of my quirk. I accidentally lost control, which caused me to take us back in time. So, we're around 25 years into the future, if I'm correct." She explained briefly, hoping they understood. Nemuri gave a glance towards her friends, not sure if she should believe it or not. Hizashi gave a shrug, not sure either while Shota let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing his temples. 

"What's your quirk exactly?"

"Well, I can rewind things. If I go too far, I can rewind them to before they..d-didn't exist..." She said, tripping on the last part. Midnight nodded, looking back at Shota. He seemed to feel a bit of sympathy for the girl, seeing as her quirk would definitely be a traumatic one in bad circumstances. 

"I see.." Nemuri tapped her chin thoughtfully. 

"Wait! That doesn't explain why you said "my parents" while pointing to Aizawa and Yamada." Nemuri considered, looking at Eri to get more info. 

"Oh, right. Well, they're my parents!" She smirked, looking at the pair. Shota's face flushed a bright pink, the words ringing in his ears. Him and parents?

"Wait, WHAT?!" The blond burst out, his face dusted in red. 

"Give us one thing that could prove that kid," Shota grumbled, crossing his arms above his chest. 

"Sure!" Eri skipped up to him, leaning right beside his ear. 

"You liked him since you were kids. You always planned to take him to your special spot for a date." She whispered, giggling at the end. Shota looked the other way, his face blazing a bright red. 

"Yeah, you're right.."

Nemuri ended up taking the two new teenagers to Principle Nezu's office to talk, most likely taking them to find a way back. Hizashi and Shota were still comprehending the new news of them being parents, and most likely getting married. Kota snickered at the two, Eri hitting him on the shoulder playfully. 

Once the group made it to Nezu's office, Hizashi opened the door for them, then closed it once everyone got inside. They were met with a small creature sitting on a big chair, his hands clasped neatly on the huge brown desk. 

"Ah, Kayama, Yamada, Aizawa, how lovely it is to see you all in my office today, what brings you here?" He spoke politely. 

"Good afternoon Principal Nezu! We have some special visitors that we came across today." Nemuri greeted respectfully, bowing down slightly. She stepped to the side to reveal Eri and Kota, the two nervously waving. 

Ah, why hello there! I am Principal Nezu, but you may call me Nezu. Now, what brings you two here?" The animal asked cheerfully, standing up on his chair. Eri decided to take the lead, knowing how Kota has a way of messing up with his wording. 

"Hi there, I'm Eri and this is Kota! Uhm, I accidentally sent us back to the past with my quirk, which means that-" 

"You're from the future!" Nezu caught her off, a big smile on his face. Eri nodded, hoping that he would understand their situation. 

"Well, it seems like a far stretch, what exactly is your quirk?" 

"It's rewind, I can rewind things to how they used to be, sir," Eri told, averting her eyes from his small beads. Nezu nodded, taking notice of how touchy the subject was. 

"Well, you two can stay here for the meantime, is there any way to get you two back?" 

"I think I can reverse my quirk to take us back to our original timeline, but that takes a lot of time and energy." 

"Hm, Okay then. I suppose I can try to find someone with a suitable quirk. In the meantime, I suppose you can stay here at U.A For the time being." Nezu offered, taking a sip of tea from a white teacup. Eri and Kota looked at each other, then nodding at the principal. The group left, Nemuri having to leave due to her classes which left Shota and Hizashi to stay with Eri and Kota. The 4 decided to wander the halls around the prestigious school, Hizashi bombarding the new students with hundreds of questions about the future. Eri sweatdropped at his energy, trying to give the right answers without spoiling too much. Kota just stuck with Shota, both of them happy to not socialize. 

They walked through the halls, finding themselves at the rooftop. Eri was internally squealing, memories of her dad telling her stories about the "Rooftop Squad" flooding her head. She stepped around, admiring the view of the sky, small birds and planes flying by. 

The 4 conversed aimlessly without much thought. Aizawa stood off the the side, most likely planning on taking a nap. That was until a familiar face walked by. 

"Holy shit is that -" Kota said as he saw his own cousin walk by. She looked way younger than she is now. 

"She looks so pretty as a teen!" Eri gushed, whisper-yelling. 

Later on, Nemuri was able to come back from her classes, then Shota and Hizashi had to leave. the same things happened and the day went by fast. Until it was getting late. 

"It's been a few hours, are you feeling alright, Eri?" Kota asked, the girl nodding. 

"Yes, I think I'm ready to get us back."

Of course, The other 3 students were bummed out about them leaving so soon, but they understood the reason. 

"Alright, how do we do thi-" Eri got caught off by a very bright glow emmiting from behind her. She turned around to see a big portal, a familiar one at that. She recognized it's blue glow from Tsukiku's quirk which eased her mind. 

"Kota, that's Tsukiku's burrow! She's probably here to get us back?" Eri thought aloud, looking over at the taller boy. He nodded in agreement, also recognizing the familiar aura. Suddenly, a girl with light light pigtails jumped out of the portal, her hands clutching a stopwatch. 

"Eri, Kota!" She breathed out while panting.

"I've been looking all over for you guys! Do you know how many different timelines I had to go through to find you two?" She scolded, her soft voice scruffed up from exhaustion. The two sweatdropped, turning back to the other 3 students.

"Till we meet in the future!" Eri smiled, giving them a warm hug. Kota was already next to the portal, ready to jump in. Eri walked over beside him, giving him a nod. Kota smirked, already disappearing into the white opening, Eri giving a quick wave before doing the same. Tsukiku grasped her stopwatch, pressing on a small button before jumping in, closing the portal behind her. A flash of light waved over the whole area around U.A, and everything went black.  

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