Chapter 2

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Vansh: Riddhima, don't you have to go somewhere

Riddhima: oh yes, reunion

Siya: ok bye (She goes)

(Vansh gets a call and he goes to answer it)

Vansh:excuse me Riddhima

Riddhima: who is it?

Vansh: my friend, Rrahul

Riddhima: okay

(Vansh goes)

Vansh: Hello Natasha

Natasha: Hi baby

Vansh: I am busy now, I will call you later

Natasha:but baby, what happened?

Riddhima: Vansh, I am going

Natasha: who was that person talking?

Vansh: bye Riddhima

Riddhima:bye(she goes)

Natasha: you didn't answer me

Vansh: umm, she is my sister

Natasha: oh, ok

(Riddhima goes downstairs)

Riddhima: Driver, driver, where are you?

Dadi: where are you going?

Riddhima: reunion

Dadi: u are so shameless, if someone was in your shoes, she will never go out of her home because of shame but you, always moving around like a dog

Riddhima: look Dadi, i respect you alot, but you can't keep taunting me and I will keep quiet, no I won't

Dadi: shut up Riddhima, everyone's family is giving birth except us (she goes)

Riddhima: Tanya is calling me

Riddhima: Hello Tanya

Tanya: where are you?

Riddhima: I am coming, w..what is the address?

Tanya: Blackwood hotel

Riddhima:okay,(she goes)

(In Vansh's room, Vansh speaking to Natasha on the phone)

Natasha: darling, let's meet in a hotel

Vansh: which hotel?

Natasha: Blackwood hotel

Vansh: okay

Natasha: you have to prepare well

Vansh: of course, I am going to meet the love of my life

Natasha: come soon

Vansh: okay

(He hangs up)

(At the reunion)

Riddhima: Akash!! Oh my god, it has been 4years now😃

Akash: u have gotten married and u didn't care to inform us

Riddhima: it happened suddenly that I didn't have time to a you all go

Tanya: Akash!!!

Akash: Tan!!

Tanya:how are u?

Akash: am fyn, 😋

Soumya: Hi guys

Akash: Soumya!!

Soumya: Akash, Riddhu,Tan

Riddhima: how are you doing?

Soumya: am fyn, how about you?

Riddhima: m good

Akash: the rest are at the bar, let's go and see them(they all leave)

(Vansh and Natasha reached the hotel)

Vansh: it's seems like a party is going on here

Natasha: of course,  my reunion is going on here

Vansh: Reunion?

Natasha: yeah, I am going to meet my friends, Riddhima, Tanya, Soumya, Priya and others

Vansh: do u know Riddhima?

Natasha: yes, she was my best friend in college

Vansh: (thinks) I am doomed

Natasha: why were you asking? do you know her?


Natasha: or  are you having an affair with her?

Vansh: no, I ..I ..umm... I(he starts sweating)

Natasha: relax, I was just joking, OMG, look at ur face, u were so scared (laughs) are u okay?

Vansh: am fyn

Natasha: let's go, let me introduce you to my friends

Vansh: umm, my stomach hurts, I am going to the washroom, be right back

Natasha: baby, are u sure you are ok?

Vansh: I am okay

Natasha: okay then, u can go

(Vansh goes to the washroom)

(Back to the reunion party)

Natasha: hi everyone

Everybody: Natasha!!!

Riddhima: I missed you so much Natasha

Natasha: me too darling

Riddhima: who is the latest catch?

Natasha: OMG, he is so handsome

Riddhima: no matter how he is, he can't be more handsome than my husband

Natasha: fine, show me your husband's picture

Riddhima: okay

Akash: I have her husband's picture in my phone (he shows her somebody else's picture by mistake)

Natasha: well he is handsome but not more than my boyfriend, infact he came with me

Riddhima:where is he?

Natasha: washroom

Riddhima: ok then

(Tanya goes to the washroom and  on her way back, she sees Vansh and goes to inform Riddhima)

Tanya: Riddhima

Riddhima: yes

Tanya: I just saw your husband

Riddhima: when?

Tanya: just now, in this hotel

Riddhima: what?

That's all for now ❤️❤️❤️ don't forget to vote and comment 💕 i love you 🤩

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