The Kings and Queens of Old

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It was the early afternoon by the time they had reached the shore lines, and even then a gorge stood in the middle of the giant lake before them, thick woods as far as the eye can see to there left and water to the right. Even Peter had to admit they where hopelessly lost.

Land scape changed drastically over time and the Narina left behind was another world to the one they had set foot in once again. Looking out over the giant lake into the gorge Edmund squinted his eyes a against the sun and saw a small brown row boat holding what seemed to be two soldiers.

Thinking quickly Edmund called for his brother and sisters to hide behind near by brush and to stay quiet.

"She won't quit staring" a brown haired guard muttered uncomfortably. The figure in the middle lying in the boat gave him a hard glare breathing heavily against the rag tied around her mouth.

"Then don't look", the guard with a crossbow in his arms growled an annoyed expression across his face. The brown haired man continued to row the boat but seemed to crumble under her glare finally giving up and stating that this was far enough. A panic rose in the girls chest as they began to lift her up, but before she felt herself being dunked in the water she heard a women's voice yell,
"drop her!".

Christina couldn't help but roll her eyes as the water engulfed her, managing to rip the gag from her mouth she began to bite at the arm restraint. Before she could attempt to free her legs she felt strong arms encircle her waist. Breaking the waters surface a few seconds later, and without missing a beat grabbing the dagger from his boot and pushing it up to a raven haired boys throat.

Looking around to the other three, a puzzling though came to her mind. They all seemed a bit young to just be wandering around the forest like they have obviously been and they weren't Telmarin that was for certain. When she saw the elder girl hold out a sword to the blonde haired boy she almost choked on her own breath. Christina rapped her arm around him so that he was facing her but still had the dagger tight against his flesh. Edmund being a head taller then herself bent forward so that there faces where only inches apart. His aqua blue eyes met her hazel brown ones and he found himself having to take a calming breath and not only because she had a knife to his throat. A spark going through both there bodies made them each shiver, it's only because of the water Christina thought.

But Edmund couldn't help but notice the flecks of gold that seemed to swirl in her hazel orbs, her soft lips swollen from the struggling against the gag her hot breath running over his neck was making very graphic pictures come to his mind. Swallowing slowly Christina let her muscles relax, letting the dagger fall into the sand.
'No' she thought
'This can't be him, this can't be them.... It's impossible'
Stepping back slowly and looking at the four siblings before her she let out a nervous laugh.

All the stories were true of course, her father had told her that. How they had defeated the white witch and gotten their most prized weapons from Father Christmas. How they had ruled for centuries... then just ... Disappeared. She was so small when it happened but the sadness she had felt on that day was still bubbling underneath her skin. It just couldn't be her kings and queens. But that sword it was all to familiar to her, it had to be. Although they looked nothing like she remembered, much older and mature. Running a hand through her wet hair and taking a look at Edmund again, 'not at all like remembered'.

"Your kidding" she laughed.
Each sibling looking at her in silence until, Susan stepped forward and asked what she was talking about. This only made Christina take a seat on the sand continuously running a hand through her damp hair.
"I mean, your really it?", She sighed in disbelief, "your the kings and queens of old ?" Peter just glanced at his younger brother who seemed to be day dreaming, before looking toward Christina with an expression that could only mean yes. With the conformation of his answer she laid flat on her back with a groan running her hands over her face silently cursing Caspian for bringing them into this mess. Then muttering loud enough for the kings and queens to hear.

"Maybe that horn worked after
all" ,Lucy turned toward her with a confused expression.

"What horn ?"

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