"Spill it out," Tessa snaps. "There's no need to be afraid we wont judge you, I mean how bad can it be, I assure her."

"I think I'm lesbian, Blair mutters under her breath. "I can't hear you I blurt out."

I think I'm a lesbian, Blair speaks out more louder. All the student's in the hall heard and they gaze at her.


"I-I thought you where interested in boys? But it's fine though we are your friends and we support you."

"And nothing can break our friendship." Tessa and I gave her a warm hug.

"I've got my eyes on Sabrina she's  smart and and those pink lips i want to feel them in my mouth. Boys don't let my heart glow the way Sabrina does. I haven't even come out to my parents as yet," Blair explains.

"Don't worry Blair we are here for you, Tessa says. I've got to get to class so we will talk about this in the afternoon," I blurted out.

The day went by in a blur and lunch break was the worst after getting meat balls thrown at me my when some kids were fighting while I was passing by to my seat.

I hurried with my friends and headed off to my last class of the day which was English surprisingly I still kept my eyes open considering how tired I was with 30 minutes later. The school bell rang and I made my way to through the door with Tessa and Blair following behind. "I am going to go to the library this afternoon, I'm trying to get someone attention," Blair says

"And who might that be?" Tessa curiously asks. Blair hesitated at first then says "Sabrina" while smiling, she told us later and headed to the library. I am so happy for her shes finally chasing after what she wants.

"You still have practice dont you?" Tessa asks. "Yes but I don't feel like going just this once," I replied.

"Great so you can accompany me somewhere," Tessa giggles happily. "I fowerred my eyebrows in confusion asking " where we could be going?"

"You'll see" she replied.

The girl practically held my hand and pulled me with her and out the gates we went. We walked until we stopped at Rigs cafe the most plesent one in our city.

"What are we doing here" I asked but she didnt respond but instead open the cafe door and walked in quietly going at a empty table. Within seconds a waiter came at our table and gave us a menu.

"What can I get you ladies today" the waiter spoke and I looked at her name tag to see Sydney. "I will just have a black coffee with a cheese bread" I respond.

"Tessa you want anything?" She was too busy looking in another direction. But she quickly averted her eyes back to us and said "Uhm yes I will just have a pink drink".

"Your order will be ready in the next 3 minutes" Sydney says before walking off.

"We didn't come here to eat you know, Tess stated." 

"Then why else will we be here" I was so confused. You see that table over there I looked in the direction she was pointing to " That's my boyfriend and he told me he was going to play games with William his friend but here he is with some girl. 

"And," I ask. 

"And I can't believe he's here cheating on me," a tear rolled down her cheek at the same time. "I'm sure there is a really good explanation for all of this Tess," I comfort her.

"You think I should go and confront him?" She asks. "No lets just go for now and trust him you two have been dating for some ask him about it later and if he says otherwise you know he's lieing." 

She didn't even seem to hear what I said but got up and started walking, " Tessa where are you going?" 

"I'm going to confront him-" 

Before she could finish her sentence she slammed right in our waiter with our food. It made quite a loud thud with both girls falling to the ground which caught the attention of everyone in the cafe including her boyfriend.


She got up and glanced at her boyfriend with tears in here eyes and exited the cafe. "Tessa wait," I say.

"I rushed through the door behind her immediately. "Why did you run off like that?" That's rude of you.

"I'm sorry Ellie but I don't know what to believe anymore"

"Babe it's not what it looks like," her boyfriend spoke and I had just realized that he too as well as the girl he was with came out of the cafe too.

"Oh really then would you care to explain," Tessa says. 

"Well I didn't want to ruin the surprise but this girl right is just my sister Lia shes only in town for a few days and I just wanted to meet up with her to catch up and for her to give me some ideas for what to get you for our 2 year anniversary"

"Hi im Lia nice to meet you" instead of shaking our hands she gave us a warm hug

"Awee babe I'm sorry I judged so quickly," Tess said.

"I'ts ok," he responded. 

"Nick this is my friend Ellie, Ellie this is my boyfriend nick, Tessa introduced us"

"Hey bro i will be on my way i have a plane to catch we will talk It's nice to finally meet you all," Lia said before going away.

Tess gave Nick a hug and I walked a few inches from them to give them space to talk. I was admiring such a beautiful couple thinking when Im going to find someone so genuine  as him.

I immediately thought about Jaxon and took out my phone to text him, but instead saw some unread messages from the unknown number.

Unknown: You look good with red hair

Me: Who the hell is this, else I am going to block you?

The person didn't respond once again I guess I have a stalker


Hey guys I'm back and I finally decided to finish this chapter and upload.

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