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A/N: I did not add Holland since it was gonna ruin the story but I have nothing against her just to clear things up.

|| Y/n's pov ||


I went to the mall with my friends to do some summer shopping. It's been a while since we met each other because of college. 

We met in the food court since it was Casey's idea. I saw three of them all sitting together in a corner waiting for me.

"Y/n what took you so long!?"

Casey said looking at me

"Yea Y/n we're starving!"

One of my friends said

"Sorry about that  I couldn't find a parking spot"

I said as I sat down.

Are afternoon went by shopping and playing games in the arcade. I never felt more happier ever since I got engaged to Zach. He's very serious and strict about EVERYTHING! From food to places. He never has any sense of humor.

Hours pass by and we had to end are reunion. Although it was fun we still have homes to go back to. Before I went back to my car I decided to have an alone time for myself. There was a new library inside the mall. I went inside and grabbed a book to read.

My phone rang. It was Zach calling me.


I said on the phone

"Y/n where are you!? I called your friends and they told me that you were suppose to leave"

He said as he raises his voice on the phone

"I just decided to stop by the library geeze"

I said irritated 

"Well you're not anymore. Come home at once!"

He says as he hangs me up.

Here we go again. We're gonna have another conflict like we always do everyday. 

I went to the parking lot and went towards my car. A woman approach me.

"Hi, I think you dropped your keys"

She said as she gave it to me

I bit my lip and said


As I walk back to my car.

The woman had blonde short wavy hair. She was wearing a  brown trench coat paired with black glasses. At the moment she gave me my keys my eyes instantly look at her lips. I couldn't take my eyes off her. To bad I didn't get her name...


I was placing my car in the driveway as I heard smashing of glass inside the house. Oh dear what happened now? I went inside to see broken glass and liquid on the floor. My dog came up to me as if it was scared of something. I went upstairs to see Zach on are bed with vomit all over him. I walked over to him. He smelled like alcohol mixed with fruit stuff...  

I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the basket of laundries. I changed into my pajamas and slept on the couch. 

Its the next day. I took a shower , changed my clothes , and made breakfast. The day was normal. Zach went to work while I opened my laptop and started writing a new chapter for my book. I only get to do it once in a while since Zach thinks its nonsense. 

I took my time to imagine what the plot would be, So it means scrolling through social media. As I was scrolling I saw a picture of me and the lady who gave me my keys on the news front page. 

|| Parking Lot || femalexfemaleWhere stories live. Discover now