Chapter Seven: The Bathtub

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god"
Dustin panicked.

"Dustin! Dustin, do you copy?" Lucas asked through Dustin's headset.

"Yeah, Lucas, they're on us, we're at Cornwallis" he told him.

"Meet me at Elm and Cherry!" Lucas told him.

You and the boys turned and pedaled faster toward Elm street. You heard the van's tires screech and gaining on you, your heart beat faster.

"This way, come on!" Mike yelled.

You followed him as you turned into the houses and you biked across the backyard. You almost ran into a group of friends but pedaled past them when they moved away. When you got back on the street, you met with Lucas who was biking up to you guys.

"Where are they?" he asked also out of breath.

"I don't know, I think we lost them" Mike panted.

Suddenly, three vans appeared behind you guys and drove super fast toward you five.

"Go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.

You pedaled faster now, the vans were super close behind you guys and you were out of the breath. Then, another van appeared in front of you guys.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" you said.

The van was getting super closer, really really closer and you were about to crush into it. Your hands grabbed the handles and you breathed heavily. And then, outta nowhere, the van flipped, right in front of you and flew overhead of you and your friends, crashing into the vans behind you.

"Holy shit!" you shouted.

Your eyes and mouth were opened wide. Eleven used her powers to flip the van over. It was freakin awesome.

You and the boys biked to the abandoned car place in the woods, when you reached there, you got off and dropped your bikes. Mike sat El on the ground, she looked drained. You brought your hands to your head in amazement.

"Did... did you see what she did to that van? I mean that was.." Dustin said stammering.

"Awesome" Lucas said. You all looked at him. "It was awesome" he repeated.

He walked and kneeled beside Eleven. "Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong, I'm sorry" he apologized to her.

"Friends... friends don't lie. I'm sorry, too" El told him.

"Me, too" Mike said.

Lucas turned and saw him with his hand out to him. Lucas got up and shook his hand.

"Finally!" you shouted.

You all laughed and you went up to Lucas and hugged him. He laughed and hugged you back.

"Don't ever leave me again" you told him.

Dustin and Mike hugged you guys too, creating a group hug. You all laughed, you turned to Eleven.

"El, you too, c'mere" you told her. You waved her over.

She smiled and got up from the ground. You put an arm over her shoulder and you all hugged each other again. You smiled, these really were the best friends ever.

"What happened to your neck?" Lucas asked you.

You touched the slight scar that Troy gave you from the knife at th mountains.

"We ran into Troy" you said.

"Yeah man, you missed a lot" Dustin said.

After explaining everything that happened, you all sat on the ground and started to create a plan. Lucas layed out a map with sticks and explained where he had been and what he saw.

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