"Yer out?" Bella guesses.
Rosalie angrily walks away.

Esme nods... Amazed, Bella watches as Carlisle hits a line drive. Edward and Emmett race for the catch, DIVING 15 feet and COLLIDING with such might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball -- Carlisle is safe! Jasper WHACKS the next pitch -- deep into the forest. But before Edward can chase it, Alice suddenly GASPS.

"STOP! I didn't see them..." Alice yells getting the family's attention.

They all stop. Edward is immediately at Bella's side. The family instantly gathers at home plate.

"They're travelling so quickly"

"You said you left the country" Rosalie speaks.

"They did, but they heard us. And changed their minds." Alice says looking at Edward.

"Put your hair down." Edward tells Bella.
"Like that'll help." Ariana says.

"I could smell her from across the field" Rosalie tell him. Edward just ignores them.

"I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry" Edward say to bElla.

There's a faint rustle... then James, Victoria and Laurent emerge. As they near, Bella SEES their bare feet, then the deep BURGUNDY of their eyes. Laurent holds up the baseball.

"I believe this belongs to you." The dark skin man says.

He tosses the ball (his casual toss is still blindingly fast) to Carlisle who easily catches it and smiles politely.

" Thank you."

" Could you use three more players?" The man asks.

"Of course." Carlisle speaks with a fake smile.

"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James." Laurent introduced.

"Would you like to bat first?" Carlisle says handing him the bat.

Laurent picks up a bat. The Cullens take the field. Dr. Cullen is catcher, Edward is on first, with Bella behind him, near the Jeep. Bella sees that Edward's eyes are locked onto James. Laurent is at bat first.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Carlisle explains.

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent defend.

" Yes, we maintain a permanent residence."

The three newcomers exchange a look of surprise.
"Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East" the red head Victoria tells the family.

Jasper pitches the ball -- Laurent SLAMS it -- but Ariana is up a tree is a flash and the ball slams into Arianas hand with a THWAP. Laurent is pissed, but James smiles ever so slightly, delighted at the discovery of worthy opponents. James is up next and he POWER-SLAMS IT with AMAZING FORCE... He runs past first, past Edward, past Bella... CLOSE ON BELLA -- IN SLOW MOTION as the wind from the ball ruffles her hair, carrying her scent, which floats to - JAMES -- who suddenly SCREECHES to a halt. His head WHIPS around at her and he lurches into a crouch, his nostrils flaring, excitedly, eyes locked on Bella.

"You brought a snack." James says walking over to Bella.

The Cullens jump into action quick. They jump in front of Bella.
Edward growls at games who growls back.

"The girl is with us" Carlisle says to the newcomers.

"We won't harm her" Laurent says calmly trying to defuse the situation.

"I think it's best if you leave" Carlisle says calmly.

"Yes. I can see the game is over. We'll gone now. James?" Laurent called walking away.

But James' eyes don't leave Edward's. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with his cohorts, disappearing. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathers up the bats-

"Get Bella out of here. Ariana, you go back to the house. We'll follow them." Carlisle says to them.

Jasper kisses Arianas forehead and then leaves to follow The three vampires, with Carlisle and Rosalie by his sides.

Alice, Esme and Ariana run back to the house.


The Cullens burst into their garage. Everyone but Rosalie pull out the supplies they need.

"I've had to fight our kind before. We're hard to kill." Jasper tells the group and they load up vehicles.

"But not impossible. We'll tear him up. Burn the pieces." Edward adds.

"I don't relish killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle tells the group.

"If he doesn't get to one of us first." Rosalie says snarky.

"This is insane. You can't put yourselves in danger for me." Bella says horrified. Making Ariana roll her eyes. "Too late."

Edward shots Ariana a look, but grabs two sets of keys, throwing one set to Carlisle.

"I'll run Bella south, while you lead the tracker away"

"No Edward- the tracker thinks you won't leave Bella. He'll follow you. Trust me, I know." Ariana tells her uncle, thinking about Demitri.

"I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I will drive her south. I'll keep her safe Edward trust me." Alice tells Edward.

"I'll come with you mom." Ariana says walking over to her dad.
"No. Your staying in the house. We can't have anything happen to you. You know what will happen if your anywhere near danger." Jasper tells his daughter trying to convince her not to go.
"Fine." Ariana says.

Bella doesn't get why Jasper won't let Ariana help her. If Ariana helps she will be more protected. She'll be safe.

"I'm going to lock up the house. Be safe everyone. I love you all." Ariana tells her family giving them all quick hugs before going into the house and locking all the doors and windows, then sitting in the couch.


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