Chapter 11

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Months later Mirella stood in front of her grandmother's home, which she now owned according to the lawyer who dealt with her mamaw's will. The house was a gorgeous brick house that had a flight of stairs leading to the second floor. A living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom were on the first floor, but the second was where another three bedrooms, a library, an office, and a den were located.

"What's the plan?" Mirella started at Parker's voice, not noticing that he had walked up beside her.

"Sell it..." the words were heart-wrenching for her as she spoke them aloud.

"That's not what you want," his brows furrowed in that cute little way that showed he was in physical pain for someone else.

"I don't have the money or the resources to keep up with this place," a hand scrubbed over her cheek as her tone showed exactly how helpless she felt. This was her grandmother's place, she didn't want to sell it, but she also didn't know what else to do.

"Let's clean it up first, and then let's have some fun. You haven't been having a good time lately," Parker's voice was gently and lulling which immediately convinced her, but it was hard not to think about what happened right after her Mamaw's death, what Parker had stumbled into which caused them both to get a restraining order on her father and had Mirella now living with her soul mate. This line of thinking had a light bulb going off in her head.

"Why don't we live together?" The words were about before she knew it and it hung in the air as they froze with garbage bags in one hand and clothes in the other. "Here, why don't we live together here? We both have jobs and the two of us could surely get everything paid. Plus I have the money I inherited from Mamaw and..." she slowly trailed off at the pained expression Parker was giving her. "What's wrong?"

"That's," he paused trying to collect his words. "That is a big step for two people to move in together, and we're not just a normal couple Mir, we're soul mates so that's even bigger." The hope that she held tightly within her heart, slowly began dissipating. He, clearly saw it on her face so he held his arms open for her, but this time she didn't walk into them like she normally did which caused him to frown.

"You can't rush-" He began only for her to interrupt him. "It's fine."

But it wasn't fine. She was going to lose the only home she, really had, and he had no interest in helping her. She thought love was all-consuming, but what they had was like a wall that separated kept them apart. What did she know about Parker except for his likes, dislikes, hobbies, and favorite color? What about his inner thoughts? Did he even love her at all? She wanted to believe that she loved her soul mate, but she wasn't certain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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