1-Bite Me

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James sat on the other side of me on the one couch of the living room. His back pushed against the fake leather as he tapped on his knee rhythmically, distracting him self from the awkward tension between us. His other arm was going through his dark black hair. Those dark green eyes wandered anywhere but mine.

I was staring at him while leaning back in the creeky wooden chair my mom set across from James. My arms were crossed over my chest. I held in the new found anger i had for this man.

I was coming home from school, happy as can be seeing that I had won my cross country tournament. I also got a trophy that I could take home, and it wasn't one of those crappy participation ones, this one was the real deal. So, I was ecstatic to blab to my mother of my accomplishment,  when I found her in the kitchen lip locking with some random guy.

Turns out he wasn't random, he was her boyfriend of two and a half freaking years. Two years and I've never heard of the guy! And that's not all, that's just the tip of the fucking iceberg. We were going to move to some city in New Jersey for this guy. She said she was "madly in love" and wanted to start out a new life with him there. She said he had a house up in the north and everything.

And so, while she packed my stuff upstairs, I was forced to stay here and socialize with none other than her "true love". James Henry Morlen.

He cleared his throat and looked up at me like I was the scariest thing he had ever seen. "So..." He said. "Do you like sports?"

I fucking play a sport you fuck shit.

I didn't answer him. I just stared at him, and he just moved on.

I know i was being mean, but that's what my intentions were. Everything was perfect before he camealong. My friends, family, sports. And now i had to throw it all away to move with some man i just met.

"I could buy you a trophy case for your abundant amount of trophies." He spoke. "It's amazing how much you have. You must excel in a lot of things."

I rolled my eyes. Flattery wasn't going to get him on my good side. I needed to talk to one of my friends. I needed to blow off some steam. I stood from my seat.

"I'm going for a walk." I told him.

He stood also. "I'll come with you."

I put my hands on my hips. "I think i can manage to walk alone James."

"I think we should get to know each other." He said.

"I think you should get the hell out of my face." I spat, and turned around and heard the sounds of footsteps following me.

"Ben-" He said.

"Only my friends call me Ben," I said. "You, can call me Benedict."

He stopped, knowing he'd get no where with me, at least not like this. I opened the front door and stopped for a minute, feeling the cold air blowing onto my skin. It was better running in this weather than walking. I took a step anyway.

Snow started to fall from the skies. I walked and shivered down the familiar neighborhood of broken down houses rounded with metal fences. Dogs barked from outside and few people stood outside puffing cigarettes.

I found my friend's house around the corner. He had a yard like mine. There was damaged yellow grass with small fluffs of new fallen snow. A small stone path lead to the door. His house was one floor and small. I walked to the door and knocked. Another face appeared behind the door.

Diego was Jose's father. He was a nice guy. He was like a second father to me growing up. His dark hair was shaved off, a new style I hadn't seen before. He wore a white shirt over his torso and black pants. He smiled down at me. "I'm guessing you're here to see Jose." He spoke in a thick Mexican accent.

I smiled and nodded. He turned his head. "José! El muchacho Ben está aquí para verte!" Jose! The boy Ben is here to see you!

In seconds the boy ran to the door and pushed his father out of the way.

"Ai!" His father called out and disapeared deeper into the house. I chuckled.

Jose had thick curly black hair that was sticking in all directions. His tall figure stood over me. He was older and taller than me, and he liked to flaunt that. His warm chocolate eyes smiled down at my person.

"Benny, I just saw you at the meet and you want to see me again?"

"Don't get too flattered. I came here to escape from someone who's terrorizing my house." I pushed past him and walked to the kitchen knowing how hungry I was. I took out some dip and found the chips in the cabinet.

"Someone is terrorizing your house?" He asked. "Please do explain."

I walked to the living room across from the kitchen and sat on one of the couches. Jose sat next to me. "My mom has been dating some James guy for two years and I walked in on them." I told him.

"Having sex!"

My eyes widened with horror. "God no!" I said. "They were fucking making out."

He sighed in relief. "It's better than them having sex." He took some chips from the bag and dipped it in the salsa. "So why is this bad? Aren't you supposed to be happy?"

"No!" I said and snatched the bag away from him. "This guy is causing me to move to New Jersey."

Jose stopped eating and stared at me with wide eyes. I huffed and dipped a chip in the salsa. "We could kill him, run away, no one would ever know." Jose suggested.

I turned to him with a chuckle. His dad walked into the room with a sharp suit on as he adjusted his tie. "You two better not be talking about Mrs. Hendrix again like that. She's a nice ma'am."

I rolled my eyes. "She is the devil!" I said taking another dip of salsa. "And no, we're talking about my good for nothing mom's boyfriend who's causing me to move to Jersey."

He smiled at me. "I'm sure he's good for something." He walked over to Jose and ruffled his hair. "I hope you two can still video chat from so far."

Jose swatted his dad away. "We'll be getting rid of James before they move, and that will solve our problem."

Diego fell into a fit of laughter. "Bye son, have a good one Ben."

He walked to the door and then left.

"You're dad is so perfect." I said. "Why couldn't my mom have been with him. We could have been brothers."

Jose smiled. "I don't think that would be a good idea seeing that you have such sinful desires for me." He puckered his lips.

I smacked him upside the head. He winced. "I don't think Emilia would ever forgive me for that."

He chuckled. "Emilia doesn't mind sharing." He snuggled up to me. I tackled him to the floor and we started wrestling. At first i was winning, but then he started trying, and he was better. Him being a wrestler wasn't helping my outcome. He pinned me to the ground.

"Say Jose-is-the-hottest-person-in-the-world!"

"Never you pervert!" I said.

He put me in a more painful lock. "I can do this all day sweet cakes." 

"Bite me."

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