1| All those people are alive right now - because of her

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Y/n x Natasha ( takes place after endgame so yes, Natasha is still splatasha.)

word count: 1575 


"It's been 3 weeks since we got the stones, 3 weeks since we'd defeated Thanos and 3 weeks since... since I lost her. Everyone says that we won, that we should celebrate this but how can they expect me to celebrate when all I can think about is all the people we lost along the way. Tony just had to be one who snapped his fingers, Thor going off to be with... what did they call themselves? Guardians of the galaxy, Bruce is practically a celebrity and Steve." You scoff.

"My own brother decided that the best choice would be to leave me here all alone, knowing what happened, what I had witnessed. I can't truly be mad at him though, if I had the chance I would go back to be with the one I love as well." The last sentence barely coming above a whisper, but they heard it.

"Have you told the others how you feel?" Dr. Lyn says, pen in hand, ready to write down whatever you say, making you feel uneasy since it reminds you of the past but you know that it's something she has to do, it's part of her job.

You shake your head. Telling the others how you feel would be selfish, knowing that they're all going through their own pain as well. "Okay since we're running out of time, I have one assignment for you and you must have it done before our next session next week." She pauses, standing up and going to her desk. You see her pull something out, as she comes closer you can see it is a small notebook.

"I want you to talk with one of the others, it can be anything in particular, and I want you to write down what you talked about as well as anything else that comes to mind."

"What if I don't have anything to talk about?" You ask not really enjoying the fact you would have to do this, coming here and talking to her was hard enough as it is.

"I'm sure you'll find something," she says standing up and leading me to the door. "I can't wait to see what you write Y/n." And with that you're left alone in the hallway, well you have the book with you but seeing as you don't plan on using it you can consider yourself alone. You pull your phone out, seeing it has buzzed 3 times already, one of the notifications being Wanda.

Witchy: hey y/nn, been awhile since we've hanged out. i was wondering if you wanted to grab coffee? i'm free whenever so just lmk.

You look at your phone, since the events had happened you hadn't really spent much time with the others, the last time you all gathered together was... Tony's funeral. You look at the book, debating if you should meet with her or not when the phone buzzes again.

Witchy: saw you read my message and haven't replied yet so just letting you know that if you aren't up for it that's totally fine.

God I am so selfish. You think to yourself, you were so busy wallowing in your own self pity that you forgot your best friend had lost the same people you had.

You: hey sorry I was just putting my groceries into my car, but i am down for coffee. if you're free today, we can grab some at the usual?

You walk towards the elevator, heading down to the lobby when your phone buzzes again, catching your attention.

Witchy: yeah for sure! i'll see you there in 15ish minutes?

You: sounds like a plan.

You walk to your car, the music on the radio playing softly in the background as you drive to Joe's coffee shop. When you and Wanda had first joined the avengers, Tony thought it best that you guys go out and explore New York. Of course that ended up backfiring because you guys got lost and the only thing age appropriate that was open at the time was Joe's coffee shop. You park, getting out of your car and walking into the cafe, the smell of coffee and fresh baked goods flooding your nose, bringing back memories. You see Wanda sitting at you guys spot, her back facing towards you.

You walk up to her slowly, scared to face her after all this time, unsure if she would be mad at you. "Hey Wands," you say softly, catching her attention.

"Y/nn it's been forever, how've you been." She puts her book down bringing you into a hug which you gladly accept, she always did give one of the best hugs you thought to yourself.

"Sit," she gestures to the chair across from her, "I already put in our orders when I got here." She points to the barista behind the counter preparing the dinks.

"Thanks." You don't know what to say, and you're thankful that she isn't able to read your mind unless you were to allow her to. Perks of one of the many experiments Hydra did on you when you thought you were doing the right thing.

"Y/n," Wanda says waving her hand in front of your face.

"Huh? Sorry I must've spaced out." She chuckles, a small smile finding its way onto your face.

"I said, how are you. You kind of dropped off the face of the Earth there for a while." Your mind blanks. You're unsure of what to tell her, saying that you go to therapy seems embarrassing since you're supposed to be an Avenger for god's sake.

"Oh you know, just trying to get back to living in the real world again I suppose." You lie through your teeth, putting on your best smile in hopes that she wouldn't catch onto the lie. After Thanos and his army dusted away and the compound being destroyed, Pepper opened the tower up to you all, saying that you were more than welcome to stay there if you wanted. As much as you would've loved to be at the tower again and see the city from the rooftop, it held too many painful memories so you decided it best to just get your own apartment.

You realize you zoned out again but Wanda hadn't, rambling on about how cute Morgan is and how they would go on little shopping sprees and she would help teach her how to cook some sokovian dishes when Pepper was swamped with paperwork.

"That sounds great Wands." you say, happy that she's doing good, you can't help but feel a small pang of jealousy at how well she's handling this all.


By now you guys had drunk all your coffee, the sun starting to set as you guys start reaching the end of your time together. "Okay whats wrong, you've been acting strange this entire time we've been together." She blurts out shocking you since she wasn't one to do so.

"N-nothings wrong, I guess I'm just a little tired from today." You gulped. You thought you were doing a pretty good job at hiding everything, but then again this is Wanda you're talking about, the one who knows better than yourself.

"Don't lie to me Y/n." She states clearly not planning on dropping the topic.

You sigh in defeat, not wanting to fight with her. "I'm sorry it's just... I can't stop thinking about Tasha." You mumble staring at the chip in the table, afraid to look at the sokovian in front of you.

"Y/nn..." she takes your hand in hers causing you to look up. "Why didn't you tell me, I would've been there for you." She questions, her eyes searching yours hoping you would let her into your mind so she can figure out some way to help you.

"You seemed happy and I didn't want to worry you about my problems."

She scoffs. "Y/n, you had just lost your wife and your brother in the span of a week, I'm more worried at the fact that you're okay with all this." She gestures her hands wildly making you laugh softly. She stands up, sliding in the booth next to you, trapping you essentially so you can't try to escape.

"It's just... everyone is happy we won, that we got all those people back but how can I be happy when the one person I want to celebrate all of this with isn't here." You look at Wanda with teary eyes, it had been so long since you've cried, not really feeling anything since Natasha's death.

"Printessa," she says softly, the childhood nickname she gave you rolling off her tongue with ease, bringing you into a hug as you sob into her shirt. Luckily, you two were the only ones left in the cafe, the barista seeming to have on a break.

"All those people are alive right now, because of her." You cried out, wiping your tears away when you notice Wanda's shirt is now soaked in your tears. "Sorry about your shirt."

She looks down, shrugging it off. "It's just a shirt now come on, stay with me for the night I don't want to be alone."

You think about it, not wanting to intrude but Wanda insists. "Okay, that sounds fun." You smile, and this time it is genuine. Looks like I'll have something to write about after all, you thought to yourself as you both walk out of the cafe.

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