Chapter 21: Don't Get Mad, Get Even

Start from the beginning

"They are talking about pulling me from Hogwarts after my OWLs. They said that they refused to pay for substandard education. They offered to hire tutors for me to catch up on my muggle education. I have to make up my mind on what I want."

Harry sighed and pulled his friend into his arms as she sniffled, snuggling closer. "Don't worry Hermione. It'll work itself out."

"You were right, Harry," she whispered into his shirt. "I should not have listened to Professor Dumbledore. I'm so sorry, will you ever forgive me?"


That evening, a special edition of both the Quibbler and the Daily Prophet came out. As both papers were running Oliver Twist's articles, both were coming under fire.

Special Edition

Ministry and Wizengamot in Violation of Basic Tenets of British Law

Could Their Actions Threaten the Wizarding World?

Since the vote to arrest Oliver Twist for treason was handed down and sanctioned by both the Wizengamot and the Minister of Magic, both the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler have been brought under heavy criticism by the ruling and judicial bodies of our government. However, these venerable bodies have failed to uphold the laws they were sworn on their magic to uphold.

If the Ministry and the Wizengamot wish to pursue legal action, they must file such action in a court of law, and rule themselves out as said court due to conflict of interest.

That would leave their only recourse the ICW of her Majesty's court.

We, of the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler, refuse to turn over any information about Mr. Oliver Twist. The newspaper has the right to protect their sources and staff against persecution if the articles published can be verified. As of this ate, all of Mr. Twist's articles can be proven as fact. He assures us he has the original copies of his facts and statistics.

We stand behind Mr. Twist and applaud him on his integrity.

Lord Charles Witherspoon

Xeno Lovegood


Daily Prophet

The Quibbler


Harry was sitting in the Common Room. He hadn't been able to escape all week from his friends. They had been clinging to him like limpets. It was as if they were on a mission to track him down and poke their noses into his business. Hermione was especially clingy since her parents' letter. Harry wanted to pull his hair out.

As he stared into the blazing fire in the fireplace, his thoughts were on the arrest warrant for Oliver. He had to admit that he was very nervous about being arrested. It brought back memories of the past summer, a locked room and food through a cat flap. Harry shuddered.

Professor Flitwick had reassured Harry that his lips were sealed. No one was going to hear anything about Mr. Twist from him. Further, he confided to Harry with a toothy smile, goblins are immune to occlumency and veritaserum.

Harry looked down at the Marauders' map and noted that Rita was also on the prowl. She had been at the castle for a week now trying to get information on Oliver.

'All luck to her, she'd need it,' Harry thought with a smirk. She had been harassing students and staff all week. He was sure she spent as much time as a beetle as she did a human trying to get any gossip she could.

The rumor mill was going crazy and many students were running scared. Harry had taken the precaution of spelling his bed, the area around it and the bed curtains to repel all insects.

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