[eleven] a normal day at welton

Start from the beginning

"I had an emotional attachment with that toy, don't bully me for loving Fitzgerald."

"Look, I just need to bully you for that," her lips went in a straight line before she laughed at how unamused Charlie looked. "Aw what if I just start calling you Fitzzie? It's revenge for bambi."

"I hate that idea."

Charlie looked at the sign they were in front of and sighed, "Want to go inside? I'm sure my mom's friends are going to call her if they see us outside talking like we're not supposed to be in school."

Sigrid looked at the sign and face a look of uncertainty, "A dress shop? What would I need a dress for? If we're gonna ditch we might as well go find a park and steal the swing sets so we could watch some kids cry, not look for dresses that I'm probably never going to wear."

"It'd be nice to have...options," Charlie looked at the dress in the front windows, "I don't think my mom would appreciate you going to the dinner in the same green dress she dropped you off in."


"The dinner..?" Charlie trailed, "The one that we're having with my parents over the weekend because you still haven't turned in the sketch you promised you'd commission for my mother and I need my monthly visit early so I could get my allowance? I blew it on all the paper I used for the poem. Yeah...I need more money so I need to kiss up to my dad. Unless you want to spare me a twenty?"

"You wish. Do I really need to get a dress?"

"Would you rather give my mother a heart attack by going to the dinner in pants?"

Sigrid tsked before walking inside the store, "Fine but no Orange, floral prints, or anything that slightly resembles an animal."

One dress turned into three, and three dresses turned into matching shoes and eventually driving to Maisie's house for a haircut. Charlie sat in the passengers side with a smile as he enjoyed his cotton candy and moved the bags for his feet to fit.

"Where are we going again? It's almost four and I want to shower."

Sigrid turned to the left and looked for the sage green house with the white curtains, she looked over at him for a second. "Maisie's. She's been my friend since grade school, since we're going out on this little adventure I figured you'd want to do something fun. She has a pool."

"Really?" His eyes lit up. "Wait...but I don't have extra clothes, do you?"

"No," she pursed her lips before parking. She had difficulty doing so, Charlie made sure to bully her and even got out of the care to help him. He exaggerated signaling forward and nearly gave her a heart attack when he told her to stop with a worried look on his face. She got out of the car and threw him the keys again. He held his hand out as she got up to the pavement.

"She's friends with Pittsie, I'm sure you guys will get along well."

He was a little hesitant to go inside. "Just so you know, I don't know how to swim."

"There's a first time for everything."

She walked up to the porch and he jogged up behind her. Maisie opened the door and locked directly at him, he felt worried that she was judging him. Sigrid looked up at him and pulled on his sleeve, "Act normal."

rich man's world;  charlie daltonWhere stories live. Discover now