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-skip to August 27th-
-you and blake have been married for 5 years
- Kelsey is 5
- blaire is 3
- jackson is starting to say words like hi, and bai bai and he is 8 months
- Kelsey starts kindergarten tomorrow
- you've been back at meetings and your releasing a clothing line for adults and kids
*I was in the kitchen with Blaire since she asked to dye her hair pink*
You: you sure you wanna do this
Blaire: yes *she says very excited*
You: ok then *I say putting the dye into the bowl with some conditioner*
Kelsey: how do you know how to do that?
You: I used to dye hair when i was 14
Kelsey: makes sense
*I chuckle*
Jackson: bai bai *he says hitting the table of his high chair*
Blake: say something else
*he spits potatoes all over Blakes face*
Kelsey: haha
Jackson: bai bai
Kelsey: say dog
Jackson: Doog
Kelsey: Close enough
*I finish Blaires hair and I curl her pretty long blonde hair*
Blaire: Woah
Kelsey: Did you have to use pink
Blaire: Yes I did, deal with it
Kelsey: Sass much
*she says mumbling and I lift Blaire down*
Blake: Lava girl
You: Shut up!
*I say laughing*
Blaire: Whats that
You: nothing go play
Blaire: Ok
*she says running around the living room*
Kelsey: A mess *she says grabbing a hand full of the yogurt melts and eating them*
Blake: Did you getting your head stuck in the railing not do enough  *he says taking Jackson from high chair*
Kelsey: of course not, im the boss of this house
*she says putting her hands on her hips and walking into the living room with Jackson crawling behind her*
Blake: what happened to that sweet innocent baby
You: shes still innocent as i think
*he chuckles*
Blake: Bryce was thinking of
You: Something very dumb but pay able
Blake: Yes
You: Well what is it?
*I say emptying the sink*
Blake: Probs bring the show back with the boys and stuff
You: I mean if you want, I'm not stopping you
Kelsey: So I'm gonna be on tv?
Blake: Maybe
Kelsey: Suckers
You: Girl
Kelsey: What did you even do for a living to be on a show?
Blake: Well, I did social media and so did Noah and we moved into a house together and thats how I met your mother and she did social media for a while before doing music
Kelsey: pft basic shit
You: don't be using that language around people at school
Kelsey: I know, I'll let it out at home
*I shake my head*
Blaire: when can I go to school
You: In a few years kiddo
Blaire: No fair
*I laugh*
Kelsey: mom he took my doll
You: then grab it
*she grabs it*
Kelsey: he drooled on it *she says whining*
You: Thats what happens when you leave those things around
*i hear her groan and I laugh*
-the next day-
*I woke up around 7am with Blake and we talked as he made breakfast and at 7:35 I walk upstairs to Kelsey's room to wake her up*
You: Kelsey
Kelsey: Im up *She says sitting up faster than the flash and pushing her hair out of her face*
You: Ok then
Kelsey: Move it missy *I move away from the door and she walks go the bathroom and brushes her teeth and she goes downstairs*
Kelsey: Oooo pancakes
You: why do you have so much energy
Kelsey: Because
*Blake just laughs and I do her hair while she eats*
-skip 25 minutes-
*I just finished Kelsey's lunch and Blaire woke up but surprisingly her and Kelsey are not fighting this early in the morning*
You: You ready
Kelsey: Yes, I'm finally free
Blake: Ouch
Blaire: That hurt
Kelsey: Kidding *she says mumbling and I take a few pictures*
Kelsey: Stop it! no more pictures
Blake: Bossy
*She flips her hair in Blakes face & the bus comes*
You: Be good
Kelsey: Ya ya *she hugs Blake and she runs off*
You: Here come the water works
Blaire: Oh-no *she says walking inside*
Blake: We talked about this
You: Emotional *I say seeing the bus leave*
Blake: Dramatic
You: Not

Noah Becks sisterWhere stories live. Discover now