Minho was delighted upon hearing Jisungs words, he missed Jisungs cooking a lot and no other takeouts and restaurants can replace his dear husbands dishes. Although, Jisung can only cook basic foods such as Ramyun, spaghetti, carbonara, and some European dishes as thats what he usually eat during his teenage years. "Really!? Youll cook for me?" he asked making sure if the younger didnt regret what he said.

"Yeah, sure. Its just cooking, what could go wrong?" he asked, he even stuttered again but he was quick to leave the room and knock on Changbin and Felixs door, making sure that he wouldnt or would interrupt the couples time together.

"Coming!" He heard Changbins voice, the older opened the door having his upper pajamas in wrong buttons which made Jisung immediately thought that they did something unholy. "Yes? Is everything okay?" Changbin asked.

"Sorry,did I interrupt something?" Jisung asked wobbling his eyebrows probably teasing Changbin, the older just laughed and shook his head before widely opening the rooms door. He was greeted with Felix having a massager on his hands with a lot of cups on the side table and the television was a youtube video about how to use massagers for the first time. "Ooohh." Jisung voice sounded disappointed in some way.

"Jisung, I didnt know your mind was that dirty!" Changbin said laughing at the younger before letting him enter their room. Felix waved his hands at Jisung and looked at him worried.

"Whats wrong, Ji? Everything alright?" Felix asked, worried about his bestfriend feeling uncomfortable of the house.

"Nah, everything is fine. Minhos hungry so I wanted to ask if I could some of your food in the fridge o cook something for him?" He asked not wanting to take too much time from the couple. Changbin looked at Jisung teasingly.

"Ooohh, even with amnesia your love for Minho is still stronger than the iceberg from titanic huh. Even cooking for him at the middle of the night.. After eating then you could hang out and make-" Jisung was horrified, worried that Minho would hear what Changbin was suppose to say.

"No, shut up! Were not going to make out, nuh uh!" Jisung defended making Changbin and Felix burst into laughing so hard, Minho heard the commotion so he also walked towards the noisy room.

"Jisung! I didnt know your mind was that dirty! Binnie was suppose to say that you to make up for the time you were gone, not make out! For petes sake we dont tolerate unholiness in this household!" Felix said laughing his ass off because of his bestfriend.

"Whos making out?" Minho asked walking inside the room, Jisung swore to himself as he heard the olders voice. He looked at the couple in front of him hoping that they would shut up but who was he kidding, of course, Changbin wont just zip his mouth when he had every reason to tease him.

"You two!" Changbin said then laughing. Felix was trying to hold his laughter but he couldnt when he saw Minhos face blushing and looking at them weirdly.

"Minho, lets just leave them be. Felix already gave me permission to touch the foods on the fridge!" Jisung said dragging Minho out of the room slamming the door close, Felix and Changbin laughed harder as they knew Jisung was embarrassed just now and how flustered Minho looked.

"Theyre still in love, nothing changed." Felix said leaning on CHangbins shoulders.

"Of course, even though the memories fade, feelings would always remain, Lixie. Same goes with us when we get old." Changbin said receiving a cringe sound from Felix.

Thats cheesy but its fine as long as its you! the younger said and sat up straight again. Now, shall we continue the massage session? he asked and received a nod from Changbin.

Minho and Jisung were just quiet on the kitchen, only the sound of boiling water surrounded them. Jisung decided to just give Minho a dalgona coffee and a pizza loaf. It was something that Seujin would always ask him to have when she wants midnight snacks, he wanted Minho to try so that the kids can also try if he suits the taste. The microwave oven released a ding sound breaking the silence between the two.

"Here try it, tell me if you have suggestions or comments about the food." Jisung said serving Minhos pizza loaf, it was just basically a loaf of bread with a spread of ketchup and cuts of hotdogs and some cheese on top.

Minho looked at the food with sparkling eyes, from the smell of the food it already tells how it would taste great and he was so ready to eat it. He saw Jisung mixing his dalgona coffee so he waited for him, as he was watching him, he couldnt help but admire his husband. His eyes trailed from Jisungs shiny hair, to his long natural lashes to his pointed nose and lastly to his heart-shaped soft lips which he loved kissing before.

"Is there something on my face?" Jisung asked after noticing Minhos gaze. The older nodded his head which made Jisung conscious of how he looks like right now.

"Yeah, beauty." The older said earning a glare from the younger. He smiled at how childish his husband was, when in reality, Jisung couldnt digest such a smooth line from the older. He could glare and swear at Minho but he can never deny the fact that it gave him butterflies on his stomach.

"Whatever, heres you dalgona and pizza loaf. Imma head to bed before I choke you- wait what the- No forget what I just said, anygays Im heading to bed! Good night and enjoy your food!" Jisung said shooking his head for himself. Why do I say such weird things this night!? I didnt even try talking like this with Seungmin! He said walking towards the stairs but he was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist.

"Can I do something normal we do before?" Minho asked making Jisung confused. The older looked so excited for his response hoping that he would agree.

"Yeah, as long as it doesnt require weird thin-" he was cut off when the older kissed his forehead. Jisung felt those soft lips in his forehead like it was a wax stamp. He would be lying if hed say that he was shocked, he was rather flustered and shy about the olders gesture.

"Good night, Hanie. Dream of me!" Minho said before winking at Jisung and walking back to the kitchen to eat.

Jisung was left there standing like a statue, he can still feel Minhos lips on his forehead and his cheeks were heating. Whatever the fuck happened, I liked it.


This chapter is quite long ehheheh! Also I really like reading all your comments eheheheh that's all! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it!

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