Chapter One

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Now I'm digging up a grave,
From my past
I'm a whole different person
You're a gift and a curse and I cannot reverse it

"Bye Jess, Bye Ben" I said jumping down from the car and releasing the breath I had been holding for a long time.I was about leaving when I heard a little voice mutter something .

"What about me?" It was my little sister and she was looking at me with sad eyes. I quickly ran back into the car and gave her a peck.

"Oh spare me the drama" Ben said rolling his eyes and trying to light up the mood and I gave him a tight smile, it was harder for him than for me.

"Be good kid. Don't hang with the wrong gang and most importantly, don't get pregnant."I glared at the human being my mother had been so lucky to have as a firstborn and waved them once more.

"We'll  miss you" Everyone responded as Jess geared up the car and Ben shouted "will NOT miss you".

I turned back and he mouthed "call us when you get there."

Smiling for real this time, I walked over to the entrance of the airport and glanced at them one more time. Brooke, who was supposed to be in tears right now was on her tablet licking the lollipop I left in the car which was ironic since I almost missed my flight due to her tantrum that she doesn't want me to leave. What was even more painful was that she got calmed down by Benjamin telling her that me leaving was "a bonus for everyone because that'll mean less mouths to feed and more food for them". Dumbass

Luckily for me, the flight had not yet taken off so I quickly did the necessary requirements and entered the plane and took my seat.

"Miss Andrews, your flight will soon be off" the air hostess told me with a smile that looked overly fake. She looked like she was having a bad day.I would too judging by the number of people on this plane and shortage of staff. "By the way, is there anything I could get you?"

"No thank you ma'am" I replied as politely as I could to avoid making her day worse and she walked away. About fifteen minutes later, the plane took off. I felt free flying in the air. Normally, I would be at home wondering how life would have been if not for that one incident or out on a run looking for an escape route. Maybe leaving the comfort of home was good for me. I remembered Aunt Jane's advice on me keeping an open mind.  I decided to take it.

The rest of the flight was filled with mostly food, sleep and responding to messages from my friends and family. We arrived at exactly 1:00pm. It was early compared to what I thought. Immediately I got out of the airport, I called Ben to let him know. He had hired a personal Uber to take me to the school. The perks of being the middle daughter of my parents .

A black Audi pulled up near me and the driver rolled down his window."Good afternoon miss, are you Miss Bella Andrews"?

"Yes." I replied but it sounded more like a question till he got out of the car. At first I thought he was the Uber but now I had second thoughts.

He could pull out a gun at any minute. My subconscious warned me and I panicked.

"Your brother hired me to pick you up." He explained on noticing my distressed face. My face flushed and I mumbled an apology. I didn't even know why I was apologizing.

I grabbed my suitcase and put it in the hood of the car. He started driving and I turned on my location and checked Google maps just to make sure he wasn't a kidnapper or some sort of serial killer.

Eventually we made our way to the school. I thanked the driver and came out of the car grabbing my suitcase and looking at the buildings before me.
           "JOHANNA COLLEGE. "

I took a deep breath and walked through the gate. Once I got in, I looked towards a sign saying Girls Dormitory. The building was about three stories tall with some flowers surrounding it.

Well, this should be interesting.

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