Airtight - Toto Wolff

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This was requested by yayabuckysebstan

Hope you like it x

It's a bit of a follow up to the Toto one I did before. Reading it beforehand is not necessary 


Set 4 years after the last Toto-One-Shot 

(Obviously everything that happens COVID-wise is pure imagination as  I sadly haven't managed to time travel to see if we ever leave lockdown)

During the pandemic that happened around four years ago, Y/N and Toto Wolff spend a lot of time apart from their normal schedule. Instead of his normal travel-filled  life, he now spend it at home with his family. Lots of time eventually ended in adding another child to the family. Sophia Wolff was born on a snowy and cold November morning making her a little Sagittarius with a fierce heart and bubbly personality. The pandemic was long over and the family of four had to settle into a new routine because eventually Toto had to go to races.

The family was currently at their Suisse home near the alps enjoying a relaxed Christmas break. They took the kids out for fun activities such as skiing or sledging, but kids enjoying the family  time as much as their parents. Both kids were dressed in warm snowsuits and cuddled up on a sledge in-between  their parents.  The sledge was pulled by two horses. Sophia couldn't get enough of horses so they thought taking her and Jack on a sledge-ride that involved horses would brighten her day. Jack on the other hand was bored. He is now eight years old and in primary school. His interest was limited to cars. Not necessarily formula one or fast cars but he loved old-timers and tractors. He was basically interested in any kind of agricultural vehicle. A boring sledge pulled by horses didn't do the trick for him.

"Daddy, why do we have to sit here and just look at the snow? Why can't we just go and play in it? Like  yesterday or the day before?", Jack asked his father annoyed. "Because, we went to this agriculture museum yesterday and then spent  the whole  day watching every cars film out there. So today we did something your sister would look forward to, Kleiner",  Toto looked at him. He knew his son was getting annoyed but normally he was clever enough not to show it directly. "But its boooooring! Even Sophia is bored, right?", he looked at his sister with a firm stare. Intimidated she nodded slightly. Y/N rolled her eyes "Jack stop intimidating your sister. We will make a stop soon and then you can play in the snow". Toto smiled at his wife. "Listen to what your mother tells you, Kleiner". Jack pouted but stoped whining. 

When they arrived at their designated stop so that the children could play in the snow, the family had a little snowball fight. Team Toto-Sophia against Team Y/N-Jack. When Toto and Sophia won,  he threw her in the air, like he did with Jack when he was younger.  She giggled exited  pleading for him to do it again and again "Papa, please. Nochmal!". Y/N watched in horror as he threw her higher, but catching her safely every time. "Toto, per favore fate attenzione!". Whenever she got a little too anxious, happy  or angry she switched to her native language. "I am careful!". Sophia continued wanting to experience "flying" as she called it. "Papa, ich will auch!", Jack screamed exited with a tat of jealousy. Toto smiled and switched Sophia for Jack. "Bitte einsteigen, Herr Wolff!", he said and picked the little boy up, throwing him in the air.  Y/N still watched in horror. She trusted Toto that he knew what she was doing but she couldn't shake the anxiety off of her. 

Later in the evening, when the kids were fast asleep in their beds, the couple shared some wine and snuggled up in front of the fireplace.  "Were you really scared, that I would drop them?",  Toto asked while caressing her lower back. "I know that you wouldn't do it on purpose but I know our kids, they are energetic and change their opinion like other people underwear. I just wasn't a big fan of the situation overall", Y/N said, looking at him.
"You mean with Jack being so pushy and jealous all of a sudden?" - "Yes, I don't know where it is coming  from so suddenly. He never acted out towards us or Sophia".  The couple brainstormed about issues that may have caused this kind of behaviour but they weren't able to find a trigger. "We should just talk to him about it. Maybe it is something minor that just bothers him and he  doesn't know how to talk to us about it", Y/N said emptying her wine glass. 

Exhausted the couple went to bed, knowing that soon the normal daily routine would catch up with them and they had to cherish every second of their moments together.

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