Chapter One: Introduction

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Name is Samara, I am 17 years old living in a kingdom of music. I am known as a metal element. Each of our people are part of music society. Our powers are combined into one harmony. I'm a princess along with my sister name Antoinette. Antoinette is a Orchestra element, along with my brother Abimola, he is a culture element meaning he is very transitional with worlds music. Our dear mother is a queen a ruler of music kingdom, her name is Eugenie a royal element. She's so pure and has strict policy on us children, you see my mother isn't a...nice person she's a controlling mother and want us to act a certain way. I honestly don't know if a mother should be like that to her children but it's a whatever I AM MY OWN WORLD BABY!

Anyway, you must be wondering...what about my father? Well....long story short my father is a kindest person that you can ever ask for! He is a country element. Oh boy where do I begin? Well my father is so into westerns since he feels love a lot when this specific music played. However...those were the days before mother ruined everything.

You maybe wondering, "what did your mother do?" Well my mother broke us, as the years went on when I just hit 17 everything went downhill. My brother depression has worsen, my sister hates me for being a embarrassment along with my mother, and my dad....he passed away because moms anger got her to that point to kill him. I don't know the full story though. I just went on by what Antoinette told me. After my fathers death, couple months later Abimola couldn't take it anymore he lost his interest in music, he lost interest of being outside and one day...killed himself. I was so depressed that way when he died I cried all day and night and no one even came to support me, I lost my best friends, my dearest love, the people that cares and be there are gone. After brother and father died my mom got happier which I don't know why but I just feel disgusted.

We had a ball a day later and I didn't want to wear a dress that my mom told me to. I hate wearing dresses that are not my color, it was all pink and it looks like a spoil girl and no it's not my style. I want to be comfortable but again my mother came into my mom with no respect and start yelling at me and forced me to wear it. During the event I didn't want to dance, I didn't want to eat, I don't even want to be there! I sneakily went off the ballroom and went to my room to pack my stuff. I was thinking twice and asked myself, should I leave or stay? Where am I going to go? Am I making the right choice?? All these questions keep popping in as I'm packing.

What are you doing? Said Antoinette

I'm leaving! Said Samara

Awww what's the matter you can't handle being perfect instead of a embarrassment? Good riddance I can't stand a pig like you for a sister. Said Antoinette

What kind of a sister are you?? You know what- Good riddance then to! I don't have to handle this hate from anyone including you and mother! I know you both won't miss me and neither I will! So yeah GOOD RIDDANCE! Said Samara

Big baby- Said Antoinette

Now now ladies what's the problem? Why aren't you in the ballroom? Said Eugenie

Mother this pig is running away because she didn't get her way and I'll head there now. said Antoinette as she walked off

Oh really Samara? Is this how it's going to go? You are so mad that you lost your bother and father, you don't need them all they'll do is cause more embarrassment for us don't you see Samara! Said Eugenie


Haha I'm the problem...well okay Ms. Smartie I was going to be nice but since you're going to be this way then be my guest, go ahead run away! As if I care in the first place about you, you're a mistake a reason of why we are broken and never hand a bond. Said Eugenie

A mistake you say...well

*samara walked and face to face with eugenie*

I mistake will never be a mistake, I promise this to you mother, one day this will change and this change you won't like, I won't stop because I know deep down in my heart there is a place for me and no one will stop me, not even you mother. So this is a farewell. said Samara

After Samara said that Eugenie started to laugh evilly

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Well well my dear you'll be very sorry for leaving this place! Your own happiness! What place do you have? I never gave you on- said Eugenie as she was interrupted

A place of my own! WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE! Said Samara and she closed her case

*samara walks near Eugenie to pass the door*

You'll regret this Samara...I promise you that, don't even try to come back begging to stay because you're not welcome back and never will be! You'll be nothing to me! You're no longer my daughter! Said Eugenie

Very well...Eugenie. Said Samara as she smiles and walked off leaving Eugenie mouth opened

After leaving the palace, I stayed with my best friend Cookie. I told her everything and she felt sorry this happened to me. She offer for me to live with her and I happily did.

You're mother is really selfish isn't she? Said Cookie

Not that she's selfish, she's a hypocrite. A phony to be a queen to be honest but I'm sure that's the queens role. Said Samara

Actually it's not, a queen are meant to be leaders that understands each other, cares for each other, and creates a bond with everyone. Said Cookie

I see, so mother told me the complete opposite and wants me and Antoinette to be like her. Said Samara

Then your mother isn't much of a queen is she? Bad enough to be a mother. Said Cookie're right, and sorry again for pop in. Said Samara as she drinks water that was offered.

Nah don't worry girl! You got me and others that will watch out for you! Said cookie as she softly hits Samara on the back

Haha glad I do, but I have a question. Said Samara

Ask away! Said Cookie

You know the behind truth about this kingdom right? Said Samara

Yes! That the kingdom was originally ruled by Anwir and Caoimhe aka your grandparents! Jeez even has spirits around since you're a metal element! Why if I may ask? Said Cookie

It's just..I wonder..everyone has a role but I don't I'm just princess but was wondering...who actually am I? What am I meant to be? What's my destiny? You know? Said Samara

Ahhhhh yes well I got something for you maybe helps a little! Said Cookie

Oh really?? what is it? Said Samara

Come! Said cookie

Imma stop right here for now! This is my first story that was made before and decided to write it here!
If you are interested and want to be ahead of all this feel free to go on Instagram under @White_Diamond_Authority to follow and search for #MusicMonstrosity ! Thank you for reading and I'll be adding more soon! Stay tunes! ❤️

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