chapter 2

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Amira pov.

I woke with a start when my alarm clock went off and a single though went through my head, Fajr salat. I got up quickly and did wudu. Placed my praying mat on the floor of my bedroom facing the direction of the kaaba. After praying I made dua to Allah to show me the right path and asked for guidance for my marriage proposal. I headed downstairs to the kitchen. And there I see my brother and nephew both munching on the pancakes that Bhabhi was making.

"Ooo, yummy pancakes," as I got myself a plate and took a seat.

"Bhabhi these are good," I stuffed my mouth with pancakes.

"Good, because I made them for you," while flipping the pancake on the pan.

"Hey, I thought you were making this for me." Hassan bhai said.

"And meh," Aamir added with his mouth full.

Aww Aamir is the cutest little 3 year old. I just want to pinch his cheeks all the time.

"Aamir don't talk while eating and Hassan you are getting late," she said scolding.

Hassan bhai looked at his watch and jumped out of his seat. On the way to the door he grabbed his brief case with Maryam Bhabhi following and reciting ayatul kursi

"Allah hafiz" bhai yelled from the door and left for work.

I washed my plate and pinched Aamir's since I couldn't resist.

"Ah that hurts a lot choti khala (younger aunty)." Aamir scold at me. I just laughed and was about to go upstairs when Bhabhi said that she wanted to talk to me.

"Bhabhi can we talk after I come back from school," she noded and I made my way upstairs.

I dress myself in light pink skirt with a white bluse and a sparkly blazer on top. I wrapped a light pink hijab around my head and wore my sandals to match my outfit. I grabbed my school bag and went downstairs. I kissed ammi on the cheek and said Allah hafiz and ran out the door since I was getting late for school.

I drove to school in about 5 minutes. I went to my locker to retrieve my books and saw my friends waiting for me. Abeer, Arij and Shiza screamed, "assalamualaikum" together. It felt like my eardrums just brust.

"Walaikum salam" trying to shake my ears to stop the ringing.

"Guys you won't believe what happen yesterday" as we walked to 1st hour. We were so lucky that we all had almost the same schedule. We just all have different English classes.

"Tell us what happened?" Arij said as we entered the class room. "I'll tell you guys in lunch."

Time flew so fast and lunch came. I got my lunch out of my locker and went to the cafeteria. As I sat down on our usual table and told them about my situation.

"Oh goody, finally one of us is getting married." Shiza said excitedly.

"I haven't even said yes"

"Why don't you want to marry him?"

"Because I won't be able continue my education and I'll have to move to Dubai with him."

"Did they say that you can't continue your education?" Abeer asked.


"Maybe they'll let you continue your education and as for moving away, well someday we all have to get married and are soon to be husband could be living anywhere. We'll all have to move with them so we really don't have choice in this."

"Your right Abeer I'll do the istikhara. But thank you that really calmed me down because I was freaking out."

"You're welcome" just then the bell rang dismissing us to 6th hour.

Time flew and 8th hour came which means English Yaya my favorite subject.

Mrs. Almanza started talking about a project.

"OK guys I have already made the partners list."

Blah blah blah blah is all I heard until she my name.

"Amira and Zaaroon" ah why am I paired with a guy? Why can't it be a girl?

"OK guys get to work" Mrs. Almanza said and walked back to her desk.

Zaaroon made his way to where I was sitting. I don't know what happened and I looked up and fell for those mesmerizing cocoa brown eyes. Astughfirullah Amira what are doing. This is Haram. Ye Allah please forgive, ameen.

"Assalamualaikum" Zaaroon said while taking a seat next to me.

"Walaikum salam, so how do want to start this project."

"When do you have lunch"

"5th hour" I said cautiously.

"I have the same lunch period so why don't we start then since we don't have much time now."

"OK I'll see tomorrow then Allah hafiz." I left the class room my locker. I gathered all my homework and went home.

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