Part 10 | Pizza's Here

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Spoilers for the second manga/first few episodes of Black Butler!

Kaito ended up staying the night at Shuichi's house. Nana was a little disappointed the astronaut missed out on her homemade soup, but she made sure there were leftovers for whenever he got home.

The detective was still in his burrito, leaning against the astronaut. They were currently watching Black Butler, trying to figure out who Jack the Killer was. Most of what they said, blew over Kaito's head completely. No, he wasn't the smartest, but he did understand the basis of what was going on.

Shuichi on the other hand was completely enthralled by the show. Thoughts and theories were spinning around his head at 100 miles per hour, trying to figure out who the culprit was.

The detective nudged the astronaut to get his attention. Kaito turned his head to face Shichi. "Whassup?"

The detective's face lit up slightly. "I think I figured out who Jack the Killer is."

The astronaut smirked, knowing Shuichi was about to pop off. "Oh?"

The detective nodded, a slight smile gracing his lips. "I think it's Grelle. It obviously can't be Ciel or Subastian since they were together when the murder happened and so was Aunt Red. Which leaves Grelle. But what's the motive, you ask. Well, to please Aunt Red of course. Aunt Red can't have children and what do all the victims have in common? They're missing their uterus. Aunt Red hates that they took that for granted and so she hired Grelle to kill them."

As Kaito listened to Shuichi ramble, a smile appeared on his lips. The astronaut wasn't exactly following along with what the detective was saying, as he was more focused on the features of the detective.

His raven hair falling perfectly in between his eyes, slightly parting when it reached his nose. The sparkle in his golden eyes as he passionately explained his theory. His surprising full eyelashes that were more visible as he didn't have his hat on. His small light pink lips curled into a smile. It was perfect. He was perfect.

"Kaito. Kaito!"

The astronaut was snapped out of his thoughts by Shuichi calling his name. "Sorry I spaced out there. I was just... thinking."

The detective tilted his head slightly. "About what?"

Kaito felt his cheeks heat up as he looked anywhere but the cute detective. "A-About, uhh, diner! Yeah, what are we gonna eat?"

Shuichi let go of the blanket a bit. "Hmm... what about pizza? That's easy enough."

The astronaut looked back, making eye contact with the detective. "I'm down with that, but are you sure you can eat it? You're sick and all so..."

Right, that was his excuse. Shuichi had almost completely forgotten why he stayed home in the first place. It was due to Kaito's comforting presence he forgot. He couldn't exactly tell the astronaut that he wasn't sick. He was just craving pizza. Yeah, that should work.

The detective got up from the astronaut's shoulder. "I was just craving pizza is all."

Kaito smirked, pulling out his phone. "Alright then."

The two patiently waited for the pizza to arrive, finding out that Shuichi was indeed right with his theory. Grelle was in fact Jack the Ripper.

The detective celebrated a little too extravagantly as he ended up falling off the couch, pulling the astronaut with him.

The blankets unraveled around Shuichi but he still held onto them. The back of his hands laid against the hardwood floor. The detective was out of breath from celebrating and his face was flushed a bright pink. His golden eyes landing on the astronaut's violet ones.

Kaito had luckily caught himself with his hands which ended up on either side of the detective's face. The astronaut was also out of breath from the shock of falling. His face also shaded a bright pink, mostly from the position he was in.

Shuichi moved one of his hands closer to his face, blanket still in hand. He face flushing more. "S-Sorry I, uhh, made you fall."

The astronaut's face went from a bright pink to a dark red fairly quickly. "I-It's nothing."

The silence between the two went from nerves to calm as their eyes met. Their heartbeats slowed, their breathing slowed. It was almost as if time had stopped.

Kaito began to lower himself towards Shuichi as the detective did the same, leaning towards the astronaut. Their eyes began to close, their breathing nearly silent. Their lips tou-

Ding dong

Shit, the pizza! They almost completely forgot about it. Quickly, Kaito got up to get the door.

What the hell just happened? Shuichi was leaning into the kiss, right? It wasn't just Kaito who wanted it. The astronaut shook off his thoughts, pizza was more important.

But if he did lean in...

... does that mean Shuichi likes him back?

I didn't expect to finish a part kinda early but here it is. I've gotten my mojo back, I have so many story ideas but they'll just have to wait till this one's finished.

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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