Start from the beginning

When they get to the room, Riley sat on the bed and Cameron sat next to her.

"So, what is it now?"

"I need to investigate the Cabinet."

Riley looked at him confused. "The Cabinet? What do they have to do with Miranda's situation?"

"Well, babe. Let's they're the new puzzle piece to connect with Miranda's plan to take over Europe."

"Then you know what you need to do?"

He smirked. "I know exactly what I'm going to do."

She then smiled a little knowing him all too well. All hell is about to break loose.

It wasn't long after he had made sure Riley was alright. He had gone to the Dragon Headquarters in the south. When he got there, a few guys were still fixing up the place since General Cortes' sudden attack. Greeting the staff, and everyone else, he went straight to his office only to find Makarov waiting for him.

Cameron placed his hand on Makarov's shoulder. "Thanks for holding down the fort while I was gone."

"Of course, sir." Makarov smiled a little.

"Anything new come up, sir?" Krushiv asked.

Cameron sat at his desk and sighed. "Yeah. Turns out, Miranda's little operation had more puzzle pieces. However, I'm not surprised to know that a few cabinet members were involved."

Makarov chuckled knowingly. "About that, sir. Since the attack by Cortes, I managed to get some information from one of his men."

Cameron raised a brow. "Is that so?"

Makarov nodded. "Affirmative, sir. Prime minister Chavez had a motive to get close to the princess so he could take England right under the Queen's nose. As for the cabinet involved, they were being paid in order to keep their mouths shut about the Queen's plans. However, since her true plans were released to the public, the cabinet that are involved are planning to use the Queen as a cover to continue with taking over the rest of the Europe. Some of the British and Spanish troops are already stationed in the countries waiting for a green light from the Queen to attack."

"Then we need to alert the other countries and take down Prime minister Chavez as well, for good at least."

"Since we're already put a dent in both the queen and Chavez's reputation, I say we take the cabinet members involved and make them announce the other parts of their plans to the world," Krushiv suggested.

"That's a good idea. I'll keep that in mind," Cameron told him. "What do you have, Makarov?"

"I say we get Chulo to handle things in Spain, but there's also the piece with agent West. She hasn't come out and said anything regarding her history with Chavez. However, her apology to her husband is out."

Cameron knew about this. Everything was coming together now. He smirked knowing that he was close to cracking everything. "That just makes everything better. We're killing two birds with one stone. All we pretty much have to do is just wait. One of them is going to crack, now we just put out the catalyst."

"And what would that be, sir?" Makarov asked.

"The truth. Our little Queen is truly a compulsive, manipulative liar."

The brothers chuckled. "Interesting. What could it be this time?"

"Charlie and Alyssa are not even her actual kids."


Havoc and Chaos had ensued at the palace. Miranda had been hiding in the bedroom all day. Seeing as everything was out in the open, there was nothing she could do to retaliate. Every time she tried Cameron always had an answer. No matter what she did, he was always one step ahead of her.

"Ma'am, the press is asking for a comment," Rachel told her coming into the room.

"Where is James?" Miranda asked.

"He said he had some duties to tend to in Windsor, your majesty," Rachel told her.

Miranda scoffed. "Of course. I'm not surprised."

"Your comment about the recent news, ma'am?"

"Tell them, everything they saw was a lie. I did none of things said in that article posted by LA Times. Lastly, find out who published and wrote article and have them eliminated immediately."

Rachel left to give the press what they wanted. Miranda then called Prime minister.

"It's time, isn't it?" he asked her over the phone.

"Eradicate them all."

BEHIND THE MASK- BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now