Chapter 1: Hollow

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"A Pro should always be ready to risk his life. Without power, can one become a Hero? No, I should think not."

Midoriya Izuku blinked as a lightning bolt ran through his entire system. For some reason, he was sweating worse than when he was soaring above buildings. A ringing in his ears screamed as his steady breath turned to shambles. His heart sunk and tumbled from his chest.

"If you desire to help people, becoming a police officer is always an option." It was as if a weight was chained around his shoulders, pulling him more and more to the ground. "Those Villain Custody officers are often mocked but... that too is admirable work!" His knees quaked as his Hero turned and walked away. "It's not wrong to dream." A door slammed shut with parting words, "However, you need to be realistic, kid." His legs finally gave way. The pain that shot through his system barely registered as his gaze fell towards the sky.

This day was the day in which he was setback further than any previous point in his life. It was the day that all of those voices in his head rang true—in memories and psyche.

"What can you even do...?"

He pulled his torso forward, catching himself with his hands before pushing himself onto his feet. "I... I should get home..." It was hard to pick up his feet—all he could do was shuffle down the staircase. "Even the best of the best said it..."

It wasn't long until he was on the street, wandering. A lump in his throat choked him as his eyes stung and his nose clogged. "Don't cry...! You knew already, right...!? This is reality..." Smoke, screams and explosions pulled his attention across the street. "I'm so used to gawking... Just stop it... I'll only make myself feel like a loser..." Suddenly, his heart tumbled in a completely different manner. Slime, fire, and a classmate were amongst the chaos—the cause of it. As much as he was. His eyes widened as his brain sparked.

And then, his body moved on its own.


Izuku stumbled through the apartment's front door, letting his bag slid from his shoulder and into his hand. He shuffled within, hearing the running of tap water. And soon, his mother's voice, "Izuku?" He stepped into the main room, coming in to view from the kitchen. "Where have you been? It's so late!"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "S-Sorry, I got caught up in the plaza. There were a bunch of Heroes fighting a villain." He chuckled, "You know me, I just couldn't help myself."

Inko slowly frowned, tilting her head, "Are you okay?"

He smiled, "Yeah? Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Right. Of course."

He pushed open his bedroom door, "I'm going to finish up on some reviews for mid-terms."

"Okay, I'll call you when dinner's ready," she nodded, slipping into the kitchen. "Oh, did you get your high school form yet?"

He hesitated, "Y-Yeah... I need to do some more research before I fill it out."

"Okay! Be sure to do it soon!"

He replied, "Okay, mom." before disappearing into his room. His shoulders fell as soon as he was in the safety of his own room. He almost neglected to switch on the light before shuffling towards his bed. A yellow bookbag slid off his shoulders and flopped onto the ground. His blankets felt like a soft glacier in comparison to the burning heat of the plaza.

"There was absolutely no need for you to put yourself in danger...!"

Izuku's fingers clawed into his blanket as his teeth grinded against each other. A memory was knee-deep in his vision; couldn't escape. Kacchan—Katsuki... Bakugo was still there in the center of a crowd of fiery buildings. The slime villain wrapped around him; entangled him and suffocated him. Izuku could remember the feeling; the slime dug itself into his body. Fingers and fire did nothing against the liquid man. The villain burrowed, attempting to make a nest out of a person.

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