Chapter 16 || When You Get Trapped In Your Own Net

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"I'd say this net looks pretty good," I said, smirking.

We'd been hiding for a week now, and we were finally able to go out because the scouts had given up.

"Test it," Fast Forward said, handing me her jacket.

I bundled it up and threw it onto the net. It flew up and the jacket was stuck in the air.

"There we go," Fast Forward sighed, "They'll be toast!"

"Good thing you're smart," I said.


When he said I was smart... I felt like melting into a glob of butter in the sun. I couldn't help it! Though, I knew Wildcard wasn't into me. He liked me as a friend and we've been buds since birth. It's like dating your brother... your very hot brother.

"Fast Forward?"


"Just gonna say something," he said.


"Whenever you make eye contact with me, my heart melts like a candle. With your beautiful fire, I would burn out in less than a minute. And you are my queen, no matter if I am king or not. Because in my eyes, you rule the world. And you rule me."

I stared at him, shocked because a) he has a girlfriend, b) he's not emotional AT ALL, and c) we're literally in the middle of nowhere with a net.

"Wow... that's uh... beautiful!"

"Thanks! I hope Missy thinks so too."

Just as I suspected. Love. For Missy. It's one of the only things Wildcard cares about. Not that I care or anything but... alright, I care. I dared to even like him! And again, I've said this enough, I didn't like myself for it.

"I think I heard something!" Wildcard hissed.

Suddenly, I realized I was too busy daydreaming about Wildcard and his hotness, that I forgot to realize where I was stepping. And I stepped straight into the trap.

"AHHH!" I screamed as I was hoisted up into the air, "W-WILDCARD! WILDCARD UNTANGLE ME!"

"I-I don't know how!" Wildcard exclaimed, "I can't work traps!"

I spotted it. The Velocrians were coming back.

"Wildcard, run!" I yelled, finally stopping to think, "They're coming! Escape! Run!"

He did a double take before I yelled at him again.


He gave me a regretting glance before running off into the woods. And I spotted them. Velocrians. The most hideous peop--things in this universe.

"Why," one said in a monotone voice, "Look-y here. The little crusher's got herself tied up."

"How'd you--"

"We know everything," they all said in sync, which was SUPER creepy.

"Your plan didn't work. If you tell us where Wildboy went we'll set you free and spare you. Tell us."

I considered it, then realized that I would be such an awful person if I did it.

"Oh... Wildcard's making you feel awful again, isn't he?" a Velocrian asked, pouting.

"You can read minds?!"

"Yes, indeed. I'm the... ONLY Velocrian of such power--"

"I don't care."

"Take her."


"To our lair, little fairy."

And I groaned. Because Rewind wasn't here to help me. As they dragged me, I played miserably with the dirt. It's always been disgusting and I would never wanna go to the Sahara Desert for vacation EVER. They finally dragged me down a hole and I fell for a long time. It was like nothing mattered but just me and stupid gravity, which always was working against me. For. no particular reason.

But then, I saw light.

"OOMPH!" I yelled as I hit solid ground.

I looked up and saw... everyone! Everyone was here!

"Guys!" I exclaimed, hugging them all.

I glanced at the monitor.

"Did you seriously just watch me?"

"Yep. It was... sad," Guppy said. She was drenched from head to toe in suspicious liquid.

"Just... carry on."

I sat down and A-Capella sat next to me.

"This is about you and Wildcard isn't it?"

"How'd you know?"

"I wanna be a marriage counselor!" A-Capella shrugged, "If the singing thing doesn't work out, which will NEVER happen."

"So what?"

"You just need to stop thinking about how much you like him. You need to find someone else."

"Easy for you to say. Everyone likes you. Hardly anyone likes me."

"And who said that?" A-Capella gave me a smile. "Everyone here loves you. You just need to think it yourself. And if you love yourself more, maybe you'll stop loving Wildcard so much and start opening up your doors to new people."

I nodded.

"Okay... thanks, A-Capella."

"No problem."

We turned to see Missy and Noodles walking through the harsh marshlands, heading for the mountains, which were made of cold, black stone. The most insulting part was that it was the prettiest thing on this dump of a planet.

"How much further?"

Yep. I forgot. It's now night apparently.

"I dunno... but that purple glow is definitely coming from there."

"I feel bad for bats," Missy sighed, shivering, "It's cold."

"Yeah, but the blood they suck from peoples' blood keeps them warm, doesn't it?" Noodles shrugged.

"You're confusing the term 'bat' with 'Vampire Bat'. Not all bats like to drink blood for their satisfaction," Missy said.


"Okay, this is a really weird conversation," I said.

"It's what keeps their minds off of stress," A-Capella shrugged, "Trust me. Their conversations can get weirder."

"Yeah..." Slo-mo said.

"Rewind?" I smiled at my twin.

We both used out powers and sped up Slo-mo.

"There ya go," I grinned.

"Thanks!" Slo-mo said, running around, "This place is weird!"

"Wheels!" Ojo exclaimed, "My stylist only has about... three or four drawings left before the battery runs out! Do you think you could have any portable charger by any chance?"

I gave her a look.

"Yeah he'd totally just keep a portable charger in his front pocket. Isn't that exciting?"

"Nope. I lost it in the mud."

"What the--"

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