Schlatt passes their cups to his co-worker who makes the drinks. Well, because they're more than one person ordering typically he'd assist in the process but he wanted, no needed to talk to this man.

Schlatt turns to the expectant brunette and smiles "So, these are your kids..?"

Schlatts gaze sweeps across the teenagers, although Wilbur looks a tad too young to be a father, it would give an explanation for why he's hanging around children.

"No, no no. This is just my brother, Tommy, and his friend." He shrugs, staring fondly at the teens before training his gaze back upon me.

Its good to know what a nice, responsible man Wilbur is. Schlatt thinks to himself with a little smile.

Much to Schlatt's dismay, it took far too quickly for their drinks to be finished and delivered. And before he knew it, Wilbur was gone with his brother (and brothers friend) in toe. He only really got the chance to establish small talk, not something that left him very satisfied.

There was so much more he wanted to know about Wilbur..

Hi! Whats your favourite colour? And, also, do you happen to know your address and phone number that you could maybe perhaps lend to me? Not to sound weird or anything, but do you want to get married anytime soon?

If only.

My ever-so-loving co-workers voice cuts into his fantasy "You're such a fuckin' cunt, Schlatt, Y'know that? Talkin' it up with a bunch of fuckin' sixteen year olds 'n makin' me do all the fuckin' work, eh?"

Minx is certainly.. A character. A loud girl with a heavy accent who usually takes up shifts with him. Schlatt would consider them.. Acquainted. Acquainted as in aware or familiar with, not to be mistaken with the term friends – which would mean they could actually stand eachothers presence for a long period of time, or that they might hang out together after work or say hello to eachother when crossing the street. Which they do not.

Schlatt wanted to comment on how attractive that customer was, however he was certain Minx would make a snarky and mean remark contradicting this observation. Thats how Minx was, snarky and mean.

"No? Nothin'? God." She rolls her eyes from Schlatts lack of an answer, his eyes are glued on the door where the love of his life had exited, anyway.

After a few moments of silence the girl sighed "Wonna go for a smoke break? Fifteen minutes or so couldn't hurt."

Schlatt drags his gaze off the door and shrugs "Aight."


Schlatt pressed the cigarette to his lips, inhaling the smoke in a deep breath - definitely giving himself cancer.

Shockingly enough, standing in the dark, dank-smelling alleyway was maybe one of the most enjoyable parts of work. Just some short alone time he and whatever coworker he happened to be with that day can just engage in small talk while blowing some fat clouds.

They stand at the corner, watching their fellow citizens walk by and enjoy their day. Sometimes when bored they give them fake made up personalities.

"That ones name is Brad. Hes a fuckin' stripper - but don't tell his wife, y'hear." The girl whos back is pressed against the other brick wall across of him chuckles. They share a good laugh, even if the joke wasn't that funny.

"Yeah 'n-" Schlatt freezes up from head to toe as he realizes who he's about to ridicule.

Across the street.

Just walking, minding his own business.

Its him.

He's walking with the two other teens, blondey being the one to carry all the white plastic bags they've collected. Possibly they went to a store, and possibly they're now going home. He can feel his heart beat quicken, his face slightly reddening. He wonders what kind of house Wilbur lives in.. Alone? Maybe. An apartment or, perhaps an entire house. A house by himself..? Surely not. Theres really no-

"Hey, its dat twink again." Minx uses her cigarette to point in their general direction. Schlatt is barely listening, Minx takes note of this.

"Gonna go talk to 'em?"

Schlatt turns to look at Minx with a look similarly to a child begging for something unnecessary "Can I?"

"Sure. They're across the street anyway, just don't take long." The girl simply shrugs.

With Minx's blessing, he begins his journey. He steps out from the alley and onto the sidewalk, to avoid being in the way he opts to simply staying near to the store rather than walking in the middle.

He searches for a break in the traffic or a crosswalk to where he can cross and approach them, however this opportunity doesn't arrive. By the time it does, he's so far away from his work that he considers simply turning back. However— he needs to atleast ask for this dudes number or something.

He knows he should pick up the pace and approach them, however they're so far he would need to sprint to achieve this. Not only that but if he does he'd have to answer why he left his work in the first place. Or why he was talking to them in general. And what would he even say?

Hey cutie! Twenty minutes ago you came into my work asking for coffee! Wanna have sex?

He knows this is probably wrong, definitely wrong. He's following some poor dude home, or wherever he may be venturing off to, just so he can say hi. And he's also leaving poor Minx to do work all by herself. But it's too late to go back now, so he persists.

Soon enough they stop at a house, and Schlatt watches with great interest as they walk inside, still happily chatting and gossiping with no idea that they had been followed (luckily.) Schlatt is unsure of what to possibly do with this newfound information, maybe it was wrong to come here. Well, no, not maybe. It's actually pretty wrong to follow someone to their fucking house. But.. Schlatt is too overwhelmed by love to care.

His name is Wilbur Soot,

probably in his early 20s.

He has a brother (and that brother has a friend, shockingly.)
(Lives with brother?? Maybe just visiting.)

He's hot.

He lives in a nice, quaint looking house on a nice, quaint looking street

And he's British.

Hell, he knew so much about him already.

They were already practically inlove,

Schlat believed so, anyway.

A REALLY GOOD SCHLATTBUR STORY !Where stories live. Discover now