"Keep your little vermin away from tomorrow's edition of the school paper." The teenage girl said as she slowly made her way over to the computer.

"Yeah. Come on, let's go, all seven of you rats." Eric insisted.

Eric, Shawn, Lennon and Cory began walked out of the newspaper office, whilst Raven had grabbed onto the cage. The brunette frowned realizing something is missing.

"Um...." Raven trailed off, giving the others an worried look. "All six of us rats."

"Little Raven broke out?" Cory asked with a smile. He stepped forward and noticed the rat on the ground. He picked the animal up and began approached the editor, taunting her. "He wants to kiss you!" The girl let out another piercing scream as she immediately ran out of the room, slamming the door shut.

 "Come on, you kissed Eric! What's the difference?!" Lennon Questioned loudly.

"Hey, thank you. Thank you very much. I finally get a brainy girl interested in me, and you guys screw it up!" Eric said, frustrated as Cory placed the rat back into the cage. Eric turned around to the door and tried to push it opened. After a moment, he turned back to the three with a smile. "Oh.. pull."

Lennon raise her eyebrow and scoff. "Even a rat can get out of its cage." 

"Watch it your majesty." Eric warned and they all smirk as they watched Eric pulled the door open and immediately sprinted after Molly.

"Hey, that floor's real slick out there. Just -" Janitor Bud called out, before he was interrupted by Eric yelling as he crashed. "Good."

"Well, I gotta get home." Shawn said as he helped placed the rat cage onto the table. "I promised Mum I'd cracked her back before American Gladiators."

Raven and Lennon didn't listen to him and stared at Cory who was sitting in front of the computer which had the newspaper on it. at the screen is a picture of Mr. Feeny on the cover.

"What are you doing, guys?" Shawn asked, making his way over to them.

"Check it out." Cory said, motioning Shawn to come over.

Shawn stood beside Lennon and laughed when he saw the front page. "A screen full of Feeny!"

"He's gonna be on the front page of the school paper?" Raven muttered, crossing his arms over his stomach.

"Won't it scare children?" Shawn wondered.

Cory smirked. "It won't scare 'em if he's...." He quickly changed the F in Feeny into a T. "... Teeny."

Shawn chuckled. "This has definite possibilities... Let me in there." Cory got out of the chair as Shawn sat down at the computer. "Okay, new principal is..." Shawn than started changing Feeny's first letter into a different letter. "Been, Deeny, Leeny..."

The three let out an amused smile when Shawn had finally changed the F into a W, making it Weeny. The four stared at each other mischievously.

"Ha!" Cory and Shawn shouted in celebration.

"'New principle is Weeny'." Cory said, reading off the computer. "Can you imagine two-thousand students reading this?"

"Power... ultimate power." Shawn muttered as he rubbed his hands together in excitement.

"Yeah, but we would never... would we?" Raven asked, glancing between the boys.

"Power!" Shawn exclaimed. He turned to the three with a wide smile. "We'd be notorious! We would be legends!"

Cory narrowed his eyes in confusion. and Raven question curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Well, what are we now?" Shawn asked.

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