Chapter 1: The Case

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who helped make the show Criminal Minds

You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea.

-Myrile Evans

Dr. Spencer Reid pulled up in front of the FBI building. He parked his car grabbed his worn leather messenger bag and headed for the front door. He was already thirty minutes late. As soon as he entered the bullpen Derek Morgan was watching him strangely (though he was the only one who noticed his coming). Before he had the chance to ask the young FBI agent about his late coming Jennifer Jareau's voice flew over the room.

"Hotch, Rossi I need to see you!" She was obviously distressed about something. But knowing that her colleges were a bunch of criminal profilers in the room she left quickly. Aaron Hotchner showing absolutely no expression as usual followed a confused looking David Rossi."What is it JJ?" Rossi said walking in.

"We have a problem a real big problem." Jennifer Jareau a.k.a. JJ said. She was wearing a blue button down shirt and plain jeans.

"I was looking through all of the cases when one of them stood out to me." She said throwing down a file. Hotchner picked it up scanning through it. "It's a copycat case the killer is copying Tobias Hankle." Hotcher looked up at her taken back by the mention of Tobias's name.

"Wait who's Tobias Hankle?" Rossi asked. It was plain to tell that Tobias meant something to the group but what it was he couldn't tell.

"Tobias Hankle." Hotchner started. "Was a serial killer a five years ago. He was using god to justify his killing. Reid and JJ went to Tobias Hankles house. We thought he was a witness though Reid soon found out he was our unsub."

"Reid and I split up" JJ started." I went inside the barn where I was attacked by dogs, vicious dogs." She shuddered as she remembered the large canines. Teeth bared with foam on their chin. "Reid went out back to the corn fields he was kidnapped by Tobias." She let Hotchner say the rest because she couldn't go through it again.

"Reid was beaten, drugged, killed, and revived again. When we found him two days later he was damaged not only physically but psychological to. He developed a addition to the drug Diluadid he thought we didn't know but everyone did. But that's been under control for five years now." He stopped and looked over at Rossi. He was staring out at their youngest member who was carelessly reading a book at lightning fast speed.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Rossi said in complete shock.

"Those two days were the worst two days of our lives." JJ said playing with her ponytail."Reid never fully recovered he dosn't talk about it not to anyone." Before David could ask another question Morgan yelled out at Hotch from the bullpens.

"Hotch come look at this." Morgan, Reid, and Emily Prentiss were all looking towards the television hanging in the corner. It was a news story about their newest unsub.

"We have been told by sources unknown-" The news lady said. "That a serial killer unknown is terrorizing Washington D.C.. He is copying the M.O. or mode of operation of the infamous Georgia serial killer Tobias Hankel." Time stopped for a moment for young Spencer Reid. He was still stood at the television as the subject changed to last night football game. Millions of thoughts scrolled through his mind. Who is he? Is he coming after me? Is my greatest nightmare coming back to life?

"Reid?" Morgan called to him in concern. "Come on Pretty Boy you know we wouldn't let this guy get anywhere near you."

"You can't guaranty that." Reid started to ramble. "There's a hundred percent chance that the unsub will come after me." He kept going throwing out statistics that only someone with a eidetic memory.

"Reid." Hotchner said silencing him instantly. Then turning his attention to the team. "I don't want Reid alone until the unsub is caught. I want one of us with him at all times. Garcia can you get us one of those alert devises?" It was more of a order than a question.

"Yeah I will get your order before you can even comment on how awesome I am." She ran off to her lair of computers and fuzzy pencils. Not before long she had what she was looking for. A remote alert/GPS device that looked like an EXPO Marker. Hotchner handed it to the young scared Doctor.

"Take this as a precaution."

"I wanna go to the crime scene." Reid said grabbing his messenger bad.

"Whoa Reid." Morgan said putting himself between Reid and the elevator. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Ya we can handle this one Reid." Emily proclaimed they were all worried about him. Because when things become personal for him he got recluse.

"I'm not going to sit around and wait for something to happen." he said very matter-of-faculty. Besides I know Tobias's case better than anyone." He pushed his way past Morgan and towards the elevator he went.

"Hotch you've gotta stop him." Morgan said stepping towards him and pointing at Reid who was now waiting for the elevator.

"Either he go's to the crime scene with one with of us or he will sneak out. It will be safer to let him go and Morgan I want you to go with him." He said as they approached the elevator. Placing his hand between the sliding doors reveling a anxious looking Reid inside. "Go Morgan bring hi right there and right back I don't want any pit stops. I want everyone on full alert until we catch this son of a bitch."

"Come on Pretty Boy." Morgan said putting his hand on Reid's shoulder. "I'll drive."

I OWN NOTHING all rights go to Criminal Minds and those who make that show possible.

My first chapter i hope that you like it I spent a long time trying to think of how the character would act and what they would say. It's alot of work also I did a bit of research on the show to make sure my facts are right. This story takes place in season 7 because a) Why not? b) It was my favorite season. c) Prentiss is awesome. d) I don't know Alex Blake well enough to get inside her mind. Laters

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