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A couple of weeks had past, and Halime Sultan, along with the others, figured out the first step in their plan. They had to get a very loyal mongol on their side. Noyan was super loyal to Ogeday, and now that Ogeday passed away, he showed his loyalty to Geyhatu. However, he was so loyal and faced so many Turks. He wouldn't turn. The next option was Noyan's sister, but news just came that Hayme Ana just killed her.

"That's my Ana"

Their last choice was the "brother" of Noyan and Alangoya. His name was Mergen. Yigit had done some spying and brought back good information. "He is very loyal. He does whatever he is commanded to and is an excellent fighter. However you can see the confusion in his eyes. He feels for the people he kills. He doesn't want to kill the innocents."

He was perfect.

Two weeks later, Dogan set a trap. While Mergen was on a hunt, they led him to a cave. The cave was set with a dinner table, where 5 plates filled with food lay. Mergen looked hungrily at the food, but he felt guilty taking it. Then Halime emerged. "Gel, sit Mergen." His eyes widened at his name, but he sat. All of them ate silently then Halime started up, "I know you feel that killing innocents is wrong. It is. We are merciful people. Us, Turks, even let our greatest enemies go if they ask for mercy. We give 3 chances to surrender before we start our siege. You can turn to us. It's not wrong. You may feel as if you are betraying your family. But your family is wrong. Come to the good side."

Mergen gulped. "What do I have to do?"


A message from Ertugrul to Berke Ham was intercepted by Aykiz. She brought it in and read it to the rest of them. Ertugrul was looking for a spy in the mongol's den. He asked if Berke Han had one.

"That will be your mission, Mergen. Go. Meet with my husband."

And so he went. First he saw Turgut and Bamsi. They were surprised as they recognized someone they had fought with. "A wonderful person guided me to the right path."

And that was that. They were officially in the nest of the mongols. And, they were close to the Kayi Tribe.

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