Chapter 7

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I was the first to wait in front of our dorm. I can't believe I'd actually agreed to this. Especially on this day. I could have gotten out of it if I really wanted to though so I decided to go since I subconsciously probably wanted to.

"SemiSemi!" I heard the sound of skateboard wheels and Tendou's unique voice coming from my left.

"Quit calling me that"

"You seem glum. What's wrong."


"Come on..."

"What are we talking about" the other three joined us before I had to answer. Thank god I might have actually told Tendou and I really didn't want to.

"Nothing. should we get going?"

Tendou gave Goshiki and Shirabu their skateboards. Goshiki already knew how to use one because he was just that person and Shirabu had been practicing with me all week after volleyball practice so he'd gotten pretty stable and actually did one Ollie with my help.

The five of us set off. The sun was already starting to set so Tendou had suggested we go to one specific place where we could watch it. It was basically the highest point of the town where we lived and it was like a mini cliff side. There was rocks skattered everywhere and large boulders towards the end. We couldn't really skateboard here so we picked them up and left them in a small hole so one of us didn't drop it. I didn't doubt it would happen. We sat on the large boulder at the end, dangling our feet over the edge.

Shirabu sat next to me on our own separate boulder while the other three sat together. I could tell he wanted to know what's wrong but I didn't really see why he wanted to know so bad or why I should tell him, for that matter.

"What's wrong"


"Don't give me what bullshit Semi. I know we haven't been civil for that long but I... uh... I care about you okay? I can't let you be sad without telling me. You wouldn't burden me with it. I will help you. We can get through it together and I know it seems like it's stupid to share your feelings but-"

"That is stupid."

He huffed a little and turned back over to the sunset. It was beautiful. I found myself often glancing over to him though, his brown eyes reflecting the golden rays of the slowly disappearing sun. The sky was displaying many different colours which made me really happy and warm inside, despite the current circumstances.

"You're staring"

"Let me"


With him, short interactions sometimes meant more than long, dragged out ones so I didn't push to say any more than the bare minimum. The last rays of the sun were now gone, leaving us in creeping darkness. He smiled a little and looked down, dangling his feet.

"You know Semi-"

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what"

"Call me by my name"

"Because it's your name?"

"Well yeah but you used to insult me and now you don't"

"Do you want me to again?!"

"No of course not"

"As far as I'm concerned you haven't called me Shirabitch either so..."


Tendou beckoned for us to come and we soon set off to IKEA. The de ja vu I was getting was intense. But this time, Shirabu was here and that somehow threw everything off balance... in a good way.

The street lamps were now on as we skated down the road. Every once in a while a car would come and we'd have to get out the way but it was mostly clear. Miyagi never had that much traffic to begin with so after dark it was pretty sparse.

Tendou made a quick stop to get us some water and snacks from a convenience store. We all waited below a street lamp, all doing one thing or another on our phones.

"You know I wasn't joking when I said I'd set that photo of you as my lock screen" Shirabu held up his phone with a stupid grin. He never smiled much but, once he did, my heart skipped a beat.

"I wasn't either" I showed him mine too. The photo of us made me smile even when I was down. I had no idea why, but it made me happy to be in his presence. I'd probably pin that on the fact we'd been around each other so much this past week that it had practically become the norm by now.

Tendou ran out the store holding up three bags of food and drinks. We all stood up and skated to IKEA in silence. There wasn't much to talk about anyway. We reached the famous hill where I had done the double kick flip trick. Everyone picked their skateboards up and raced uphill whilst I trudged. I didn't have the energy.

"Semi...lost you have to.. buy... food next...time" Shirabu panted.


We walked into IKEA only to find Akaashi at the tills once again. This time, there was another worker too. He had black and white hair and golden eyes and looked at Akaashi almost admiringly.

"Back so soon?"


"These are the guys I was telling you about"

"Oh right" the other boy spoke, studying each of our faces. We walked off to our bathtub only to find the display had been taken apart.

"What so we do now?"

"...plushy pen-"

"No!" Me and Shirabu shouted at the red head at the same time.

We found a living room display which was somewhat cosy but just didn't have the same energy that the bathroom had. I sat on the lounge bag. Shirabu sat on the other one on the opposite side of the couch and the three musketeers as I now called them sat on the couch. They were basically a package deal at this point- the two dads and the kid.

They talked amongst themselves but at some point it became too much for me so I decided to take a walk.

"I'll be back" I left without anyone having time to say anything" in the end, I ended up making a small fort in the toilet paper isle and hiding in it. It was more cosy than the stupid living room display. I used to do this as a kid with my dad...

"Where are you Semi Eita!"


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