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The two of you approach the doors of Purgatory Hall and open the front door, the bell at the top chiming to alert everyone of your presence. who hangs yours along with his on the coat rack just near the opposite door. He lets go of your hand and ushers you to follow him, leading you to the kitchen, where you immediately spot a familiar face. The tiny figure comes rushing from behind the counter and jumps into your arms. You hold him up from the undersides of his thighs and he wraps his arms around your neck.

"Yay, Y/N is here! I missed you so much! What have you been doing all day? The brothers haven't been giving you a hard time, right?" Luke looks into your eyes, genuine concern written on his face. He is always worried about you. His distrust for demons is as obvious as it's ever been. You know that he loves the Devildom, though, so you let out a little chuckle.

You give Luke a gentle kiss on the cheek and wrap him into a warm hug. "Hey Lukey! I'm so happy to see you, and I missed you too! Don't worry, the brothers haven't done anything wrong. I actually stopped by to see you guys one last time before I leave." Tears once again begin to well up in your eyes and Luke notices right away, wiping away your tears with his tiny fingers. He starts to tear up as well, and holds you even tighter in his arms.

"Don't cry, you're going to make me cry! We'll get to see each other again, right? Solomon can he,p us visit the human world to come see you!" Luke jumps down out of your arms and runs back to the counter, quickly grabbing a plate and running it over to you. "I just baked these, so they're nice and fresh, I want you to have some!" The little angel begins to jump up and down out of excitement. Luke has always been amazing at baking, so of course you reach out and grab a brownie, immediately taking a bite. The rich chocolate and warm gooey texture melt your heart, you can taste the love that Luke put into these brownies.

"These are delicious Luke, thank you! I love them!" You continue to munch on the brownie and gobble the rest of it up. Luke's face lights up and he does a little shimmy, you can tell he's overjoyed.

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"Ooooh, I bet Simeon would be happy to see you, let me run and get him. Stay right there!" He darts out of the kitchen and down the nearby hallway, and you can hear a door creak open in the distance. Not much time passes before Luke re-emerges from the hallway with Simeon in tow. You quickly notice that Simeon looks restless, as if he hasn't slept in days. His hair is frazzled and he has dark circles under his eyes. His eyes and nose are pink and puffy as if he's been crying. He notices you staring and looks down to the ground, clearly embarrassed that you saw him in this sad state.

"Ah, Y/N, it's a pleasure as always to see you," Simeon raises his head back up and flashes a sweet smile, his head leaning to the side slightly. He approaches you and takes one of your hands into both of his, raising it to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on the back side of it. A tingle crawls up your spine from the contact, and you can feel yourself start to blush. You instinctively hide your face with the opposite hand, much like Levi does. A giggle escapes from your lips and you turn your head away slightly.

Solomon can sense the tension between the two of you and decides to interrupt, probably for your sake. "Hey Luke, why don't we go to the garden out back and pick some flowers to send Y/N home with? That would be nice, wouldn't it?" He walks off with Luke's hand in his, guiding him away from the both of you and sends a wink back at you. Hopefully Simeon didn't see that. You can hear Luke complaining that he wanted more time with you as they faded from your vision. When you're done talking with Simeon you set a plan in your head to spend time with all three of them for the rest of the night. But for now, your mind was focused on the absolutely perfect man standing in front of you, gazing heavily into your eyes.

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"Why don't we head back to my room? I'd love it if you could accompany me while I do some writing. I wouldn't want to bore you, though." In reality, you actually love Simeon's writing. You love the way he composes his thoughts and pours them all out onto paper with the handwriting of a saint. You love how intimately his words touch your heart and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. You would never turn down an opportunity to witness his creativity flow. If anything, you have always wanted to help inspire him to write even more.

"I would love nothing more than to spend some alone time with you. Please, lead the way." You hold him gently on the hips and plant a kiss on his cheek, afterwards taking his hand into yours and swinging it back and forth.

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An Angel's Serenade (Obey Me! Simeon x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now