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"A whole forbidden world, lies behead of us. Very near, but it is impossible to seek. Story long to be told, but never heard. It all belongs in one's heart.."


"UGH! I can't seem to get it right!", a young man who goes by the name Jonathan screamed. He ripped off the page where he just wrote a few seconds ago and crumpled it out of frustration.

Jonathan was a fair, but unlucky man who sadly had lost everything besides his books. He would work several days working for a variety of jobs in the day, and in the night, he would work on his books which was the only thing left of his past.

He lived in a small cramped cabin with only a few furnishers that he could afford, which wasn't much.

In his cabin, he had one small table bookshelf placed on the side of a tiny work desk. There was one window in the whole entire cabin on the far left corner of his room. His bed, which wasn't really considered a great place to sleep, was only a mat placed against a wall. The kitchen and living room area in the same room as his bedroom. The only separate room in the whole cabin was a squished-up bathroom that doesn't even seem it meant to be there.

When you go to the bathroom, there isn't much space to move around or even to stretch in.

He didn't have a washing machine so he had to clean his clothes the old fashion way by doing it by hand.

Jonathan shouted on top of his lungs, loud enough that birds living close to the area chirped and flew away.

As the wind breezed through the window, Jonathan took a deep needed breath and breathed out.

That did help him a bit in relaxing, but he was still frustrated. It was late at night, and he has to wake up early tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. to work in a small store pretty far away from where he lives as it is in a big city where he is nowhere near. His wooden cabin was in the middle of nowhere. No houses nearby, just plain old, freshly cutted grass.

Jonathan grew madder as time passed. His mind was empty with no idea what to capture in his story.

He knew one thing. He desperately needed inspiration. Though he knew this, it would be a challenge. There was no such thing as inspiration in his place he thought.

The man swayed to his washroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He had dark circles under his eyes. With no shine being projected by his eyes. He was tired and devastated. He would love to cry his heart out, but he didn't. He had cried enough ever since his childhood. He promised himself to never let a tear fall out.

Sooner or later, Jonathan decides to hop on his mattress and go to sleep for a bit. Hoping in the next morning he could wake up to a better life.

Well, that's exactly what he got, but not as he had planned... Instead of waking up in his humble'oble , he finds himself laying on a giant king-size bed after a sudden shake.

He was flabbergasted if you had to say the least. He couldn't believe his eyes that he rubbed his eyes several times to clear away his sleep. When he was fully wide awake he could see that indeed he was not dreaming.

A loud noise suddenly shucks! "BANG!" the door crashed, causing a fright.

A young lad wearing a gentle ruffled pink skirt and top walked in with a tray of food came in.

The lady round-eyed widened and gasped, "YOU!!"


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