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it was a crisp autumn day, maroon / orange leaves making their way down to the cold ground - piling up - waiting for a child to flatten them.

but, it wont always be children that loved hearing the satisfying crunch under their feet - for example, hinata shoyo - an energetic, orange haired 16 year old.

he jumped onto a pile of unsuspecting leaves while kageyama - a not so energetic, dark haired 16 year old - followed closely behind, telling hinata to be careful and to mind his surroundings.

hinata ignored him as he flattened pile after pile of multi - coloured leaves.

soon the school came in sight, hinata and kageyama shared a glance before taking off. both desperately trying to win their daily race.

"hah! i win again!" hinata wheezed, gasping for air. kageyama simply lay a light slap on the back of hinata's head out of frustration.

hinata clutched that spot as if he'd just taken a ball to the face, whining dramatically.

kageyama ignored hinata's 'pain' as he sat on the steps leading to the gym. trying to even out his breathing.

they sat in a peaceful silence - throwing insults at each other from time to time.

after a while of waiting, a soft looking, grey haired setter came into sight he was accompanied with the team captain - daichi.

hinata jumped up to greet them - leaving kageyama on the hard stone slabs, the cold nipping at his pale face.


as time went on the gym started filling up.

finally, a tall, blond haired jerk (as kageyama called him) entered the gym, as a kind hearted, green haired boy - yamaguchi followed closely behind.

hinata turned to look at the blond,
"tsuki! i didn't think you would make it" he joked.

"pfft. i'm sorry that the king and his worshipper don't check the time, you normally arrive here 30 minutes before practice actually begins." the blond spat, taking off his glasses as they had become foggy.

"what do you mean, worshipper?" hinata cocked his head to the side, a confused look painted on his face.

"it means exactly what you think it means, shrimp. i mean have you seen the way you follow his highness around, you are like a servant."

"well what about yamaguchi?? he follows you around like a child that's trying not to loose it's mother in a crowded place." kageyama said back.

yamaguchi stood there, wondering,
how did he get dragged into this?

"that's tadashi not me, if he wants to follow me around aimlessly, he can do so." the blond barked back.

soon enough daichi broke up their argument, tanaka and nishinoya trying to hold back a laugh - failing as their loud screeches filled the gym.


all through practice hinata could only think,
is it that bad to worship someone??
is it that bad to worship your best friend??
had he fallen for the tall, dark haired, slightly attractive boy that just so happened to be his setter??

like sure kageyama was attractive.
kageyama had dark hair.
kageyama had dark, blue eyes.
kageyama had soft pale skin.

hinata didn't know whether it was soft - at least it looked the part.

in the end hinata decided that he had developed what he called a ' teeny tiny crush ' on his very attractive setter also known as his best friend.

the king and his worshipper (fluff !!) Where stories live. Discover now