Chapter 2

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        The next morning had begun like every other morning. Dean was always having these strange dreams of the green eyed man and his child, but never knew why. He did however always assumed it was himself that he saw with that child, but he never knew who the kid’s other parent was. So, he kept a journal, that his father handed down to him, filled with drawings and notes of his past dreams. It was so full of information that once it opened, the papers would fall out like a secret trying to get away. Of course, everyone has their secrets.

“Damn, I’m gonna need a new one of these stupid journals.” Dean mumbled to himself as the guts of his journal started to come out.

“Oh, look at cute, little Dean writing in his diary again?” The young, mocking voice from Sam scared the crap out of Dean that he made all his papers fall.

“Now look what you did, Sammy! You better help me pick up some of these papers before we’re late to school.”

Sam groaned and bent down to help him, but stopped once he noticed all these drawings and letters of Dean and a kid.

“Dean, why do you have a kid in a drawing with you? ….and who’s the guy with the blue eyes?”

Dean never really noticed the other man there until he started drawing, but he never paid any attention to him. The man had blue eyes, but they weren’t just blue. It was as if someone had painted the bluest sky and he was the canvas. His eyes were the main feature Dean ever really focused on, but he had so many other beautiful features. He had always dressed in a suit to stay classy, but never knew how to properly fix his tie. The way he smiled was slightly tilted, but always in the right way. There was no telling why, but Dean knew there was something special about him, even if he didn’t notice it right away.

“Sammy, let’s go. We have to get to school.”

As they got ready for their normal, crappy day at school, Dean looked out his window to see some kids running away from his car….so he knew they had just done the worst thing they could ever do to Dean...they vandalized his baby.

The slick, black ‘67 impala was now covered in paint, eggs, and trash. His tires were slashed leaving Sam and Dean having to walk to school on an already pissy day.

“Those fucking kids don’t know what’s coming to them. I swear if I ever see them again i will off them. FUCK.”

Sam was in an awkward position here because he didn’t know how to react to Dean’s anger at times like this.

“Dean, look, we’ll figure this out alright? We’ll look for them around school, get the cops involved or something.” Sam started to have a smartass smile and giggled a bit to himself, “Hey, maybe we’ll get some fake FBI badges and scare them a bit!”

“Sammy, we both know I don’t work well with cops and I can’t-”

He stopped mid-way because he glimpsed forward to see him. Just beyond the lake, Dean saw some new neighbors moving in, but one of them definitely didn’t feel like a stranger to Dean. He was too scared to move; too scared to even breathe because the man with the sky blue eyes was right there, and he didn’t want this to be a dream anymore.

“Holy crap, Dean, is that-”

“....yeah, it is”

All of a sudden, Dean started walking straight towards him. Unaware of his actions, Dean tripped and hit his head on a pole, and faded into darkness.

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