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A/N- This is my first story I've been reading fanfics for too long and finally decided to write one. Hope you enjoy it (no pun intended) :)

Hayley's POV

(The Afterlife)

She was seated on a comfortable chair in the plantation house where she had first been brought to by the Mikaelson siblings where she stayed for a few months thinking about some of the events  of the last few weeks in peace also known as the afterlife.

When she had first arrived here she had been greeted by her parents who she recognised from photos and they hadn't aged a day. She had been looking for them since she triggered her curse and it was that which had led to the conception of Hope. She had finally met them and got to spend time with them.

She had often wondered what it would be like had she been raised by them in her pack but she didn't regret anything because she couldn't imagine her life if it didn't turn out to be the way it was and she didn't want to either. 

She really liked her parents and finally got to know what it was like to have a mother and father. But she didn't spend all her time with them and her pack and Jackson.

She had watched over Hope and Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons and she also met Josh (after he died) and Aiden and Cami and Finn and a few of her past friends including Tyler who forgave her and became her friend again. She had also met Stefan again and they actually became friends.

She had met Katherine and despite their initial dispute became fond of each other after a while not that they would ever admit it after all if it was not for Katherine, Hope would have never been conceived and she also found out that she had stayed in hell for a while before finding peace.

She really missed Hope but did not regret her decision to die for her and she trusted Klaus to take care of her and so far he had done a good job of it except the part where he decided to take the hollow in himself and die. She knew that he could put the hollow in someone else and even though he had said something about not letting others get sacrificed to save his daughter but she knew that it was not the whole reason.She wished she knew what the other thing was that made him decide to actually die and leave Hope an orphan.

Don't get her wrong she already knew and was happy that he would die for Hope but not when there was another way that was so obvious.

There were certain other incidences that happen to her in the afterlife and she didn't know whether to be glad or sad about it, like the fact that—

She was brought out of her thoughts when her mother came to her and stroked her hair (which became long again after she wished for it to be since she missed it, yes you can wish for certain things and they'll happen like food, water, etc in the afterlife) and gestured to the door with her head.

She sighed and followed her mother to meet her friends before meeting the ancient witches knowing what was to come.

A few hours later

Hayley was with the witches now.

Suddenly a pain shot through her and she sank to the floor screaming and before she could utter a word, she blacked out.

(Real Life)

Hayley woke up grabbing her head as she was in pain and looked around, confused as to what was happening. She found herself in the exact place she died. It took a few minutes for her to regain her afterlife memory and she stood up quickly when she noticed that she wasn't dead anymore.

She was actually alive.

But then she became serious when she realised that Klaus and Elijah were about to die. 

She had to find them quickly and convince them not to kill themselves.

Klaus' POV

Elijah and him were standing across each other with a white oak stake in hand lost in their last thoughts before they die.

He was thinking about his life after Hayley and Hope were added to it.


Even thinking about her filled him with immense grief which was so painful that it couldn't be described with words.

The way she died was still fresh in his mind, he remembered every single detail of it. The way their eyes met when he finally found her, and then his brother just had to put a stake in him, her relief when she saw Elijah, the look on her face when she realised that he didn't come there to help her broke his heart, her scream when that woman tore into her chest and put a hand around her heart, the way she looked at him and Hope before she leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes he had thought that she had given up when he heard Greta's shout while Hayley had broken her finger, he remembered the hope when he heard that just for it to be taken away when she had pulled both of them out to burn to death in the sun, and her screams before it became quiet.

He hadn't seen her in seven years and when he finally did she was cruelly ripped away from him.

He remembered feeling a sort of pain and sadness that he had never experienced in his life when she died.  He had thought that the would have to live forever without her before another hollow predicament and that thought was excruciating. 

He had carved her name into a tree and said what he wanted her to be here oh how he wished that the tree was her. There was a sudden light breeze and he felt as if she was watching him which he dubbed as his imagination.

He had been reliving her death against his will and there were many things that reminded him of her. He could smell a faint trace of her scent in her room and a few other places.

He could remember her smiles and his memories of her were haunting him. He had read all her letters to him and had thought about the fact that she was the only one who had never given up on him despite him being impossible. He had done terrible things to her and she had still stuck by him. He knew that had she been anyone else she would have abandoned him a long time ago and he didn't want her to be anyone else either. He couldn't have imagined that life would be so hard without her or seem so long.

Her last words to him "I'm not giving up on you, Klaus." echoed in his mind.

He forced thoughts of Hayley out of his head and concentrated on what he was about to do.

Just when he was about to do it he sensed a familiar presence.

It was her.

He looked around to confirm his imagination but was utterly shocked and speechless at what he saw. He saw Elijah looking at her with his mouth open so he knew that it was not his imagination.

He regained his composure first and whispered her name in disbelief.


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