C. 10

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"How about we go to the movies?" Steve questions. We've been going out twice a day since Steve is adamant to check up on me. Which is sweet and I'm glad I have him. But every day? Twice a day at least? It's a little much, right? I told you about it when I was at the cafe right? With that evil hot chocolate and drawing James, right? Yes? Well, guess what that was another Steve check-in
in. The positive side is that I have company and something to do and look forward to but I feel that this is too much.

"We've watched everything, right, at least five times," I say

"Actually there's something new-ish out," Steve says.

"Oh ok, did you catch the date?"

"A few weeks from now, Sunday, starts at 12:30" he answers.

"Well then, I can't wait" I smile. I get up and write down on my calendar 'Movies-Steve-12:30'

"I'm gonna go now, need to get back to my place. Thanks for having me around though. See ya soon" Steve says after checking his watch. I stand up and walk him to the door. "Of course anytime," I say with a big smile. After saying bye to Steve I close the for and walk back inside.

I go to my room and pull out my book. I never thought I would have read so much in such a short period. After a while of reading, my eyelids got heavy so I did my night routine. Change into my PJ's, make sure I have everything for the following day, brush my hair, brush my teeth, wash my face, and then go to bed and sleep. "Good night James" I whisper to myself, hoping he was ok. He hasn't said when he'll return yet but when he does I couldn't wait. I had left my curtains and window slightly open so the breeze would come through and cool my room. It was a full moon tonight. Holding my thumb up and placing it up so it looked like it was next to the moon. I squinted one eye and smiled sadly.


Walking along the street with James late at night, I looked up at the sky. Hands in pockets James strolled next to me, coping with my actions and facing up at the sky as well. "It's a full moon tonight," I say. "Do you ever notice how big it gets when rising and yet how little it goes when it's up there in the sky?" I say emphasising the words big, little and sky. James and I came to a stop and stared at the moon. "You know Doll, its all actually just the perspective, it doesn't matter where about it is in the sky or where you're in the world" he said turning to face me for a second, before taking his hand out his pocket and raising it in front of him. I watched as he did this, listening to his words. "If you...erm hold you hand up and then close your eye, its never bigger than your thumb" he continues. Turning my gaze away from him I copy his actions this time and place my thumb beside the moon checking if in fact it is true. After realizing James was correct I can't help the little chuckle that escapes my lips. Turning back to look at him I ask "where'd you learn that?"

"Honestly, I don't know for sure. Somewhere"

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