"Or..." he said, rubbing his fingertips up her arms so that goosebumps formed on the skin. "We could stay here just a little longer."

"Or..." she replied, adopting his innocent voice. "We could have a race to see who can make it to the courtyard first."

Barnaby took off without another word. 

Laughing, Sarah hurried after him. 


The following morning, Sarah was one of the first students down to breakfast, as she had been ever since she found time alone in the girls' dormitory, staring at the empty bed next to hers, unbearable. 

Everything apart from the tables--the walls, the floor, even the giant mural now hanging behind the head table--was covered in thick canvas, presumably to protect the artwork underneath and not to spoil the surprise for the attendees. 

Sarah munched on her cereal absentmindedly as she people-watched. As the Great Hall slowly began to fill up, she noticed several happy couples exchanging cards and gifts. 

"Happy Valentine's Day," said Charlie, plopping down next to her. "Blimey, am I glad Andre's making me an outfit. Got a package from mum last night. She sent me the most foul robes I've ever seen in my life. I'd have looked like a centenarian poodle if I'd shown up in those."

Sarah smiled as she watched Penny sneak up behind Talbott with a wrapped package behind her back. "Shame. I would've liked to have seen that."

Most of Sarah's friends came over at some point during breakfast to wish her a happy Valentine's Day and to congratulate her on planning the ball. 

"Don't thank me yet," she said to them. "It could still be a disaster."

"Of course it won't, you were directly involved," said Andre. This did nothing to encourage her. Neither did his rather threatening gaze as he added, "It had better not be, because I've been up all week making all these outfits."

"Got one for me?"

"Of course. Meet me in my studio after breakfast so you can try them on."

Badeea also looked a bit tired after her night transforming the Great Hall, but she was in good spirits. 

"It's going to look amazing," she said. "I added a few last minute touches that really tied the whole thing together. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to the ball, but I've decided I have to see it lit up by the fairies, and everyone's faces as they take it all in." 

"Good," said Sarah. "It wouldn't be a party without you. Do you need anymore help setting it up?"

Badeea shook her head. "No, Madam Pince and I are going to show up a little early to remove the tarps and things, but it should be easy."

Sarah asked Jae and Chiara if they'd like help setting up the music and the sweets tonight, but they both assured her that she'd done enough already and that they could handle it. 

"Where's Barnaby?" Sarah finally asked, noticing that he was the only one of her friends who hadn't come down to breakfast. She often worried about him swimming alone in the Black Lake in the mornings, especially in the winter. 

"I expect he's busy," said Charlie, his mouth full of bacon. 

"With what?"

Charlie's eyes widened and he swallowed hard. "Oh...you know, getting ready for the ball. I bet it takes him hours to ensure his hair is spiked just right."

Sarah frowned at Charlie, noticing the way his ears had gone pink, but decided to get a move on and meet up with Andre instead of pressing him. 

She found Andre in his studio (aka the Transfiguration classroom), practically hoping up and down in his excitement. 

Valentine's Day Ball: Hogwarts MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now