Chapter 2: Grandma Lily and Company

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Hey guys! I just wanted to start off with, THANKS FOR READING!

Seriously, though...please remember to VOTE if you like this story...COMMENT and tell me what you think...and FAN if you love me?! :-) lol!

Now then, to the story!! <3 Bri


I woke up to a tapping on my shoulder... we were here! Finally.

Now, I don't mean to sound like a grouch or anything with all the negativity but, I missed home already and wanted to turn this truck around and head for the hills as soon as I stepped out of the small, cramped cabin I shared with my mother for the past two days.

I looked out at the scene in front of me with a small pout on my mom grew up in this house before me, on this land.

It was a slightly impressive size; two stories with white-wash clappboard siding and two big bay windows on either side of a grand red door nestled between ivy and roses growing up the sides of the house.

It was beautiful, but not home.

I let a small sigh escape my lips as my mom tugged me up the stairs to the red door when I heard my mom let out a squeal when the door slid open...

It was my Aunt Lorraine.

The spitting image of my mother with her dark, ebony hair...only hers was to her shoulders as my moms was nearly to her waist. Bright blue eyes, my eyes, framed with thick, long lashes adorned her face as a similar squeal escaped her smiling mouth.

My mother then proceeded to pull her younger sister into a bone crushing hug, not noticing that I was standing in between them until I was gasping for air.

"Mom...can't...breathe..." I gasped as she let go abruptly and gave me sheepish look.

"Sorry sweetie." My mom says glancing my way before Aunt Lorraine cut in.

"Oh my God! Rosalee, is that you! You've gotten sooo big since the last time I've seen you, hun!" Aunt Lorraine exclaimed, pulling me into another big bear hug.

Taken a bit back by the hug and comment, I just hug her back after a second.

"Haha, I missed you too Aunt Rainy" I grinned as she playfully swatted at me...she always hated my nickname for her.

"Well come on in, outta the cold." A distant voice says from somewhere in the back room... mom obviously knew who it was when she just grinned and yelled back,

"It's the end of August, Ma!" As she stepped over the threshold and into the house, Aunt Rainy and I hot on her tail.

Walking through the house to where my grandma was, Aunt Raine and I started chatting about school and boys and such when we reached the back room.

"There she is!" exclaimed my Grandma Lily, holding her frail-looking arms open to my mom for a hug. Soft, white whisps of hair framed her weathered, heart shaped face, as a warm smile graced her lips.

I just grinned and watched them embrace, my mom starting to blubber and go on about how sorry she was she didn't come to visit as often as she'd like.

"Shh,'s okay... you're here now." Grandma Lily said over and over until my mom finally calmed down.

Wiping her eyes and sniffling, mom looked over to me, gesturing with her eyes to my Grandmother.

I forced a small smile onto my face and walked over to give my sick grandma a hug when she stopped me.

"Who are you?" Grandma Lily asked.

I look at her for a moment, then my mom with a confused look.

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