Chapter 1

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Dennis laid in his cell with a calm slow breath, but his mind was anything but calm. Thoughts were flying around, whizzing by each other, some crashing. When suddenly a slot on his cell door was opened.

"Dennis, some people here to see you," a guard said, looking at him."Stand up and put your hands in the slot.

He sighed standing up and doing as instructed, grunting lighting feeling the cold cuffs get tightly clamped on his wrists. Then the door was open and he walked to the no contact visiting area.

"Find I ask you know who it is?" Dennis spoke quietly.

"Said they were the media. So make sure you behave. Maybe they can get you out," the guard said with a chuckle.

Dennis sighed. It was a cruel joke the guards did, making it known he and the other inmates would probably never get out early, and they always seemed to enjoy doing it.

Within a few minutes he was being pushed into the visiting room. He looked at the two people who were sitting there looking at him, taking note of the womens' formal clothing and the mans' camera.

"Cuffs," the guard said, opening the hatch on the door. Dennis put his hands in feeling the cuffs get removed before hearing the latch close once his hands were out.

He would sit down in the chair rubbing his wrists before grabbing the phone and holding it up to his ear and mouth.

"Hello, I am Nicky Porthsmith with SBP, and this is my camera man. We are here to do an interview with you. Mainly about your case and trial," she said.

"I'm Dennis Porter, and that's fine. I assume you shall be recording this. Well I guess I will start off with the basics. I was arrested for having a loaded firearm that went off on school grounds. I was accused of the endangerment of lives, gang violence, intent to harm and kill another, resistance of police, and a few others. All those added up to a 120 year sentence, and I was charged in the adult court system after a decision by a jury," Dennis said, rubbing his eye.

Nicky nodded listening to him as he told his story, taking notes as well.

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