Christmas Party, Part 2

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 TWs; Mentions of abuse, mentions of being drunk, arguing

Candi can hear the footsteps coming closer to the door, 

"Shit! Im done for-" She thinks to herself as she attempts to calm herself down, failing horribly 

 Someone stops in front of the door, they gently knock 

 "W-Who's there?" 

 "Its Lucinda" 

 "Why are you the one who came to check on me?" 

 "Well, Long story short, Im the only one who is calm enough or can check on you right now. Cassidy, Melissa, Rosalyn, and Averie are trying to fight Sasha, and Emmalyn and Peyton are trying to stop them. Bianca and Cerece are currently drunk and they cant really think straight right now." 


"So can I come in?" 

"Sure.." She moves away from the door, unlocking it 

Lucinda goes into the room, sitting next to Candi "So are you okay? Are you hurt?" 

"Im-Im gonna be fine, Im sure of it-" 

"How about you breathe with me for a bit? It might help" 

"...Are you okay with it?" 

"Yes, Im okay with it" 

Candi gently rests a hand on Lucinda's chest, and Lucinda holds it there. Candi's breathing eventually slows and matches Lucindas 

"Are you feeling better?" 

"Yea, Im feeling better" 

"Good" Lucinda gently smiles at Candi "Do you want an ice pack? Some water? Food?" 

"I should be fine" 

"Where you got slapped is red, are you sure?" 

"O-Oh..." Candi looks away from Lucinda, putting a hand over where she got slapped 

"Come on" Lucinda says, standing up and offering a hand to Candi, "Lets leave here, we dont want to miss the show" 

"Yea, I guess we dont" Candi takes Lucinda's hand and she stands up, the two of them walk out together 

"-AND GO FUCK OFF BACK TO THE DARKSIDE, LEAVE CANDI ALONE!" Averie yells at Sasha, pulling out a sword, Melissa cheering her on 

"Oh, you really want to do this? At least Im the one with control on their temper" 

"At least Im not the person that slaps people just because they wont be your little puppet!" 

"Okay thats it-" Sasha pulls out a staff 

"⏃⎐⟒⍀⟟⟒, ⌇⏃⌇⊑⏃, ⟒⋏⍜⎍☌⊑. ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⍙⍜ ☊⏃⋏ ⎎⟟☌⊑⏁ ⌰⏃⏁⟒⍀" 

"Ugh- Fine-" Averie mutters, and Sasha rolls her eyes and puts her staff away. Peyton and Emile look relived.

All while that was happening, Bianca and Cerece were just standing there, sorta awkwardly, making small talk while both of them drink some 'water'

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