My Little Heichou (SNK/AOT)

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Dear Heichou,

Hello Heichou. How are you doing? I know you're inside the inner wall right now and probably dont want to be bothered by your little tag along prisoner, but I have something very important to express to you. First, some background.

When we first met, I'll proudly admit it, I thought you were scary as hell. My first thought was that I was so excited to meet my childhood hero, but when you grabbed onto the bars of my cell and gave me that death glare, I almost shit myself. Later, when we were in the court room and you began kicking me, I dont think I was interested in even being acquainted with you for a few moments. I honestly thought you were going to kill me in that very room with my two best friends as witnesses. (Mikasa probably would have killed you... Or at least tried...) Even further on, when we were in the forest, I though you were insane for not letting me transform and help protect you, but with the stare down you gave me, what choice did I have but to remain with you and the others. When Petra, Auruo, and Erd died, I thought it was my fault and honestly wanted to kill myself. You Heichou, you helped me through that and it was so kind of you to make sure that I knew it was not my fault for not trying to defend you all. From time to time, I still think about them and how they could have lived long and full lives, but, we cant fix the past. We just have to believe that our pain and sins mean something as we move past it.

Now the reason I'm writing to you on your more or less vacation from the castle and Survey Corps is rather awkward but also important. From the very beginning, I have had the highest and utmost respect for you and everything you do. And recently, I have found myself daydreaming. About nothing important to missions or to cleaning or anything like that. I've found myself dreaming about you. About everything you do. The way you clean. The way you spin when you're about to kill a Titan. The was you wear your bandanna while you dust. Your voice. Everything.

I dont mean to be blunt, but there is really no way to be subtle about this. Levi. I love you.

I know it sounds crazy and I probably sound like a creepy weirdo right now, but I really want you to think about it. You call me a brat, but I get the feeling that you are just doing that to hide something you aren't wanting to admit to yourself.

Anyways, I hope even if you wind up not feeling the way I think you do, we can still remain the way we are. Just as we've been for the past while.

Your brat,

Eren Jeager

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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