Let's go to the future

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Other story...

Cyd POV:
Hi! My name is Cyd, and me and my friends are time travelers, actually is funny story how it happened to resume one day me and Shelby went to our friend Barry's lab and well.. the machine and de blue stuff make us able to time travel, and later somehow Barry and naldo were able to teletransport to, it is more than that but is so long so that's all you gonna get.
Now I'm with Naldo and Barry in the lab waiting for Shelby to get back from her date....

Cyd: aaaa how much time is Shelby going to be with jack  i want to hang out, I'm bored
Barry: wow that doesnt hurt at all (sarcastic)
Naldo: yea Cyd we are your friends too, it hurts that you are not having fun
Cyd: no is not that is just i miss her, we haven't spent much time together lately and that's not like us
Naldo: oh i get it your jealous
Cyd: what no! I'm not it just she is spending so much time with jack and i never see her enymore
Barry: Cyd you live with her
Cyd: yeah you are right it is just all over my head, can you distract me with something, how about we go to the mall!
Naldo: I'm down!
Barry: I'm not i have to do a ......... science thing
Cyd: you can say that you don't want to go, I don't care Shelby is the one that usually is mad when you don't hang out with us because you don't want to
Barry: Okay, I don't want to go the mall is not my favorite place
Naldo: okay! See you later

At the mall

Cyd: so... what do you wanna do?
naldo: mmm I don't know, wanna a smoothie?
Cyd: (sad) Shelby used to get us free smoothies
Naldo: okay so no Smoothies , how about ice cream?
Cyd: okay... you convince me

Okay me and naldo have been in the mall for ours and I'm having a really good time, he is just the funniest person I know and he is so cute and hot, WAIT! WHAT! Cyd did you just think about naldo like that you haven't think about him like that since four grade god i think i develop a crush on him again, oooo this is not good

Naldo: earth to Cyd (shaping his fingers in front of her) are you okay? What are you thinking about? Is it Shelby? Cyd i told you you need to be less dependent on her i know she is your best friend but you need to.... we need to find you a boyfriend.....
Cyd: WHAT!
Naldo: think about it, if you have a boyfriend you would feel less alone when Shelby hangs out with Jack (stars looking around) how about that guy? He looks like he is looking for a girlfriend
Cyd: naldo I don't want a boyfriend (unless is you), i have to go home thank you for the afternoon i had a great time see you tomorrow
Naldo: okay see ya

At home

Cyd is in her bed thinking when Shelby walks in

Shelby: Hi Cyd! How was your day?
Cyd: hi, really good, how was your date?
Shelby: good, i mean the usual
Cyd: cool (clearly thinking about something else)
Shelby: Cyd are you okay? OMG that's your i think i like someone but I don't know face who is it?
Cyd: What! No one (lying)
Shelby; don't lie to me i know you to well 
Cyd; okay you got me, i think i have a crush on Naldo again
Shelby: YES!!!!! I love the idea of naldo and you together, so what are we gonna do..
Cyd: wee are not going to do nothing
Shelby: then what are you gonna do
Cyd: nothing, it is not a good idea we have been friends for a long time so no, and you are not going to do anything either
Shelby: but..
Cyd: no buts, you swear
Shelby: okay I'm not going to do nothing
Cyd: good, now i want to sleep goodnight
Next day
In Barry's lab
Naldos POV:

Barry: okay so now that we can time travel, and not necessary with the girls how about we go to some timeline that they would never want to go, how about they created the radio or when I'm going to win the Nobel price
Naldo: okay (not really interested)
Barry; you don't look really palmed
Naldo: I'm not in the mood for science today, how about we go to the future
Barry; what time in the future
Naldo: how about 10 years from now
Barry: to see what?
Naldo: how we are living
Barry: okay, if that's what you want
They bump fist and teleport to 10 years later
They show up in a Small apartment
Naldo: where are we?
Barry: I don't know (his phone rings)
Barry: hello!
Daisy: hi Barry, when are you coming back to the castle?
Barry: What
Daisy: when are you going back to the castle, i know you left this morning but i miss you, what I'm going to do without the king
Barry: wait king?
Daisy: yes king, what are you acting so weird? You know what it doesnt matter, if your with the guys tell them to come tomorrow at 3pm for lunch, oh and bring something to eat from your time  bye! Love you
Barry: bye..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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