Chapter One

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"You promised!" I whined to Grant, "I haven't seen you in over a month now."
"I know, Skye, and I'm really sorry about all this but I have to focus on my music and I also promised my fans that they would get two covers of Ed Sheeran tonight."
"Okay all I'm saying is that you should watch what you promise."
"Alright I will, I just changed my flight to get in on Wednesday night instead of tonight. So I'll see you in three days."
"Alrighty, get to work, love you."
"I love you too!"
I hung up, hating myself for not being able to stay mad at him. He was supposed to come in tomorrow, but he changed to Wednesday so he didn't have to disappoint anyone. (Except me)
I called up Macy to tell her the news.
"Hello?" She said cheerfully.
"Damn what are you so excited about?" I asked.
"We get to see Grant tomorrow! Aren't you excited?!?!"
"I was until he just called and said he had his flight changed to Wednesday."
"He didn't want to disappoint his fans which we cant get mad at him for, it's understandable. He needed to work on his music for a few more days I guess."
"Well better late than never." She said and laughed.
"Yeah, that's true."
"Did he tell Emma?"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure he already told her."
"Alright well I'm sleepy and we have school tomorrow, goodnight!"
"Good night!" I said and hung up, I tried going to sleep but I couldnt, so I called Grant again.
"Hey, I cant sleep." I sighed.
"Its alright, want me to sing for a few minutes?"
"Yes please."
He started singing and within 40 seconds I was fast asleep.

When I woke up, We were still on the phone but he was asleep too.
"Hey sleeping beauty, look who woke up." He chuckled.
I laughed, "I'm going to take a shower, I love you."
"I love you too! 2 more days!" He said happily then hung up.
I shook my head and laugh, then sent a group text out between Emma and Macy asking to hang out.
Emma; Sorry. Not feeling up to it.
Macy; I'm free. Be at your place in 30.
Me; Alrighty, are you ok Em?
Emma; Just fighting with Grant. Sucks. I'll see you Wednesday.
Me; Alright, sorry babygirl. Love you.
Emma; Love you too!
I got ready quickly. Macy picked me up and we drove to an ice cream shop.
"So...I have a surprise for you!" Macy smirked.
"What...?" I questioned.
She looked past me and smiled at someone, "Don't turn around."
Someone put their hands over my eyes.
"Guess who." Macy said, playfully.
I could tell who's big ass hands those were within a heart beat.
The hands fell and I heard a sigh, "How did you know?!"
I got up and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"I cant believe you're here." I said, smiling.
"I know, three whole weeks before I have to leave on tour."
"Plus Sierra and Jacob are flying out on Friday!" Macy added as let go of Grant.
"I'm so excited!" I said happily.
"The Freaky Five back in action!" Grant cheered.
"More like the whole tour group." I said, laughing.
When Grant, Dylan, and Jacob were all on tour together Sierra and I went with, I also brought Emma and Macy along for the last month of it.
"Okay so the...we need a group name for the seven of us." Grant chuckled.
"I think we should keep our little group of five." I laughed.
Jacob and Dylan were around a lot but they weren't like in the group, they are older and best friends, they do their own thing.
"Yeah I like our little group." Grant said.
I hugged Grant again, he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Does Emma know you're here?" I asked.
"No and I really don't want her too yet."
"Okay listen, we cant keep this from her."
"When I see her I'm breaking up with her..." He said and sighed.
"What? Why?" Macy said shocked, but I saw it coming.
"It's just not the same anymore. I caught feelings for someone else." He said and glanced at me before sitting down.

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